Tuesday, September 27, 2022

A Radioactive Moon


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Hal Turner featured the new warnings in New York City from an atomic attack and the Lame Cherry thought she would project this out so you will understand what people in New York will deal with.

I am not going to talk about Ground Zero as nothing will survive there. What people have to understand is the alerts are in New York Subways. New York expects to use subways to shelter people. We all know what animals are on the subways already. Now add to that the Twin Towers of 9 11, and this goes for the alerts to take off the outer layer of clothes as they will be contaminated and then to wash.

First, the air will be filled with concrete dust from the destroyed buildings. These particles cut lung tissue and will float miles out, and be radioactive. That is the problem in this in you can not take your lungs off, so take your clothes off, but your lungs are concentrating radioactive material into your body with every breath. Every breath adds more radiation.

You will not wash, because water pressure will end. Water mains will break and flood and drain what water there is. So people there will be grey with radioactive dust.

As for the subways and other buildings. They will collapse and block exits. There will not be electricity to see in the dark to dig. Digging in concrete is bloody work without gloves and equipment. People will die as no one is going to rescue them. No one is going to volunteer but idiots who will dress up in hazmat suits and they will be shitting blood in a week and then die.

So the fiction of survivors outside the area is a fiction. The Japanese did survive but not in great numbers. They had bamboo and rice paper, not concrete which will absorb radiation in the steel re rod and the dirt.

This entire metro dictatorship is going to be a death zone. People often talk about New York and Boston being vaporized. The reality is though that a grid of metro dictatorships in this concentrated area would overlap to other areas. Connecticut will have it's problems. Somewhere just by dust fall out or rain or snow, will produce a hot zone which will equal Ground Zero, It may be Canada, the ocean or Europe, but the fallout will spread. People will have increased rads and some will weaken and die, and some will die of cancer later.

For those like Jeff Rense who promote the tidal wave nuke, the radioactive mud will linger. In that event the subways will be water graves as much as every building. Water has dynamics like wind and heat. It will compress, pressurize and kill as effectively as any bomb.

While I know atomic warfare is not the holocaust claimed, the reality is, in some areas it will be, and New York City is one such deadly problem. People will die a hundred different ways. Sickness and exposure will take more lives than the bombs.

This will be one of the most interesting dynamics for data examination after the event. For example, we know the rich elite live on the islands. There is a greater chance for firestorms as in Japan in wooden housing structures in elite neighborhoods. It will depend on humidity, wind, and temperature. The only working model is 9 11 on the scale of demolition enhanced puling of buildings. There are numbers of idiots who will bravely rush in and die. This is the Darwin and every metro dictatorship is filled with Darwins.

The dynamics of New York City are different than almost all other locations. Most will be radioactive firestorms of burning houses. New York though is the dust clouds which will envelop.

The Lame Cherry told everyone to get the hell out of metro dictatorships after 9 11. People stayed. That is a wonderful thing.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
