Friday, September 30, 2022

Put not your trust in North Dakota

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the Lame Cherry stated and has now happened, Shannon Brandt has been charged with murder.

This blog detests the theatrics of those on the right attempting to stir this up. They attacked the Judge in North Dakota for only charging Brandt with a lesser crime and letting him out on bond. THAT IS THE LAW the Judge was following. Brandt was charged with the evidence at that time  and that is what the Judge ruled on, including bail.

I trust the North Dakota highway patrol. I would not give any more credence to the Minnesota highway patrol or the South Dakota highway patrol no more than shit in a can. There is a difference of night and day. That is why Governor Kristi Noem called in the North Dakota highway patrol to investigate her hit and run Attorney General.

Meet you on the other side

So when I read that the NDHP states this was not a politically motivated murder. I would trust them. They investigated and they came to the right charge in murder. They did their job again.

I never sing the praises of law enforcement here as there are too many cookie cutter, penis head looking clones in law enforcement who react and do not think. They do not even police their own as Ashli Babbitt's case proved.

You can see this Brandt is not all there. He is either a vax brain, a half wit, a bully who got something into his head, whether it was this kid was a fag, a breed, a college kid in town fucking the local girls or some other shit.

The thing I do not get in this is, in the Brier Patch, kids seem to have an instinct for things. I remember my brother was in town on Halloween with some kids. One of the kids had a big ass rotten tomatoe and plastered a cop car when it went by. The cop of course started chasing the kids. My brother was running like hell like all the kids. He of course got off the street, and then stepped into an open garage and the cop drove by and never saw him.

That is the part about this kid that makes no sense, unless he was stoned or drunk. Normal kids are going to cut into a building to get away from a vehicle. This kid seems to have fallen and not gotten up, so this Brandt ran him over.

We may never find out what really happened. It does not really make much difference as it was murder. Brandt will get a small town trial and those self righteous prudes will convict and North Dakota will pay 65,000 dollars a year to take care of Brandt as those Norwegians up their like paying a lifetime vacation for murderers.

At this point, the state law enforcement did a superb job. The Judge did what they were supposed to do. North Dakota worked as it should.

This is not an event to be cheered. Just because the FBI is hunting down American political prisoners does not negate that by charging Brandt with murder over politics.

You are not going to win a Goddamn thing by hanging your hopes on what goes on in North Dakota.

Nuff Said
