Saturday, November 19, 2022

Not Logic in trying to figure out Madness

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry has made a mistake in projections. I should have been paying attention to the realities of the Spiritual and spiritual natures, instead of the logic of science.

The logic would have been in past to turn the Congress over to the GOP and have the public blame them with punter politics investigating the Bidens, and the end result would be Deserter Don matching up with Muchelle Robinson.

I was pondering satan in Spirit a few weeks ago and the reality of what this fallen creature is, is a murderous hate insanity. The exact opposite of God. We are in End Times Madness, so the reasoning should be all out the window. You can not plot madness, because insanity is complete disorder.

For Republicans, the real Reagan ones, the Congress not being turned over to the  fraud Co Opters is wonderful, due to the fact that Republicans will not go down with these modern Whigs. They do not sign on nor have responsibility for this sodomite pedophile anti American evil. That is a good thing.

For each of you, you are hopefully being weaned off of  all of this nonsense and are in process leaning on Christ every day and looking to Him. He is the logical One. This should be liberating for people who will let go of this theater and stop being addicted to what fraud drama is generated several times a day that lures you into to that distraction and misery.

So as far as models go in what is logical, they are no more. You should expect the abnormal, things that you would never think as the "normal". This is more of a show of watching a lopsided ping pong ball bounce around the room. It will not maintain a normal outcome.

The Lame Cherry has attempted often to explain to you realities. One reality is historian Francis Parkman in his history of Canada. In reading that history which is American history, Parkman noted time and again how the Spanish, English and French empires attempted to produce an economy in America. They would send in gold, the elite would horde it. They would buy beaver skins and try to trade of things in the Indies and it would not blossom. Understand that Jamestown Colony was founded in 1607 AD in the year of our Lord, and it was not until the end of the War of 1812 AD in the year of our Lord, when American merchant marines began trading with Asia for goods and Cuba for sugar, as cargo haulers that America became part of a revenue chain, which began the process of changing the nation from wood to iron.

The reason I again bring this up, is Bidencon is destroying the oil industry for hydrogen fuel monopoly. The entire supporting infrastrucute to provide you concentrated energy, instead of going out and chopping wood for hours is immense and complicated. The products from the oil industry are indspensible to the world from plastics to lubricants to the horsepower to move things so people are not worked to death.

Once this cartel destroys everything in this madness, just remember that it was from 1607 AD in the year of our Lord to 1814 AD in the year of our Lord in 207 years before economic trade actually happened to create the system of a better living in not working yourself to death. Destroy that system and it will take several hundred years, if things go right, to get that thing working again.

So when the Lame Cherry states that a murderous satanic madness has possessed the leading powers, it has in fact established itself and there is no reason to it. This blog can post the real problems of being immortal in you do not die, so the suffering is perpetual in pain. I can post how being locked up in a bunker for years will drive people insane. I can post how it requires billions of people consuming things to make an economy work, and it will not work with 500 million as the globalists boast of, as there will not be enough people to fix things and work to maintain things. It simply is not possible even with robotics to keep the luxury of civilization operating with only 500 million people.

So the message of the Lame Cherry is simple. No one can assess what is or what is coming based upon logic, as madness is not logical.

satan can not change, it is spirit. Once perfect, it became corrupted in envy and instead of Love and Life, it became hate and murder. This is a destructive force which has been established on this planet. It will not change as the woke insanity proved under Obama. When Obama failed, it was said the problem was there was not enough being done in spending, draconian control and whatever else. Yet after Trump and now into Biden, there are these absolutes above the law and things are worse than they were before. Yet we will be told we need more of this self destruction to make it work.

As the Lame Cherry had washed her hands of this political world, I was not paying that close of attention to things for the past year. I just knew the logical projection which had appeared before in punt politics. I no longer care what any of this police state does.I obey the laws, pay my taxes and just go on preparing for a world which is coming where this system which is being destroyed, falls apart under the old world order being established. What no one has stated is none of these wonderful empires of control and their mystery religions continued. Nimrod in Assyria collapsed. Each was consumed from within and without. This order out of chaos is going to self destruct too as it is not feasible in economics or civilized advancement. So it would be insane for anyone to join to this as it will not last. It is why I look to Christ and form this life around that peaceful and life giving reality.

For me, the analogy is like having a big whale in the harbor, and eveyrone is making money off of the whale. Well the whale dies, and washes up, rots, stinks and no one wants to see that, so the economy dies. The people that were not involved in Whale Economics, were the ones still producing things society needed and will not be destroyed with the rotting whale.

Congress can pass laws, but you still got the rotting whale. Police can enforce laws, but you still got a rotting whale. Banks can lend money, but you still got a rotting whale as the whale is bigger than those activities.

The whale rots, but you plant a got your garden. You make things, whale rots, you still have the things you made. There is a difference if you are holding up a system that is rotting and instead focusing on getting things done you need to do.

Those who can not wean themselves to this theater stand a lesser chance of survival than those who are hanging around the rotting whale.

The Lame Cherry can give you a Biblical certainty. Jesus has one High Day (major) to fulfill. That is harvests or boothes, and is around Thanksgiving. Atonement must be accomplished and that is Armageddon which is around the first part of October in a coming time.

In knowing that, I know that this system being destroyed probably is not going to be electric power grid and other things down for sometime, as in years. Jesus comes back before some winter sets in, in some year, that means I will not have to be struggling with wood which there is not enough wood in the world to heat all the homes with.

Every Protestant Christian simply has to make it through that time frame of now, until that November in Christ returning. I think anyone with any common sense can do that, as long as they stop getting churned up into the theater of this diversion.

You did not worship messiah Obama. You did not sell your soul to the vax god. You should be able to withstand an anti Christ and some mark of the beast to buy porn. Should be able to handle 3 days of darkness and Wormwood., as in the plagues of Egypt as even that godless horde mostly survived.

I do not see the point in paying attention to a rotting whale or those who are selling the tickets. No logic in trying to figure out madness.

The paradigm changed and it is a waste of my time to hold onto some nuttery that only the few think will work and the bleaters just stand around mind numb in wondering what to do.

Nuff Said
