Friday, November 11, 2022

Putting Christ Behind The Curtain


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is a reality that just mentioning the problems with the elections is a red flag operation even when the Lame Cherry is informing people to trust in Christ and not being led away to feeling helpless in what is politics or anything else.

Putting Christ behind a curtain is Christophobic but that is what this world now is.

None of this makes any sense in logic as the people who are in control are censoring, putting people into prison and in absolute control. It does not make any difference what anyone says, as there is complete control from the speech, religion, internet and assembly. That is why the Lame Cherry is come out of Babylon and takes no part in it. Yet I get flagged in posts about Christ which is just the way it is going.

It just is the world we live in, confined to the perimeters and told that anything which is not approved is a problem for those who have all the power and all the guns.

Just another day in paradise.

Nuff Said
