Friday, November 11, 2022

Saving Ryan's Privates


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Jeff Rense had on this interesting add to save yourselves in the Rogue River Valley for what is coming.

US Buying $290 Million Worth Of Anti-Radiation
Drugs For Use In 'Nuclear Emergency'

It all sounds like a Paradise in southwest Oregon. Paradise if you are rich, but then the non donors are rich here, so that is a bonus for them.

Or is it?

Move To The SAFEST Area In The US...Southern Oregon! - Do A Search For US Nuclear Plants Or

Prime MilitaryTargets...There Are None And You're Upwind From All Danger - About 100 Miles From

The Coast With 3,000 To 6,000 Foot Mountains All The Way - Many Homes Are Ready For Immediate

Move-In Don't Wait...You CAN Move Your Family Or Yourself To Safe Secure High Ground - Don't Move

To The Wrong Area - Here Are Just A Few Examples Of The Hundreds Of Homes And Properties In

Southern Oregon Currently Available - Make The Move Of Your Lifetime To The Rogue River Valley!

Here is the nuclear radiation point in this.

Point 1, ALL OF US are at the blessing of the Lord in nuclear fallout and hotspots, due to the fact we do not know which way the wind is blowing. If you live in Nebraska, OFFUTT will be hit. If the wind is southeast, Nebraska is hot. If it is northwest, Missouri gets hot. It all depends on the wind, the storm patterns and the weather.

Point 2, Say you dodge OFFUTT, but OFFUTT is not the only location bombed. Russia has thousands of nukes. You get a good wind which kills Missouri people, and the same wind blows Ellsworth in South Dakota down on Nebraska. If not South Dakota, then there is Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado, White Sands in New Mexico........see there is a whole roulette of bad tidings for everyone.

Point 3, now this is the one for the Rogue.

OK so Rogue gets a south wind and all that shit from California pollutes Oregon with radiation. Rogue gets a southeast blow from HAARP and all that Nevada Area 51 dust clouds Oregon like John Wayne playing Ghengis Khan.

None of you remember this, because you do not live outside of space and time as I reside in the future. All through the 1960's there were warnings on American media about nuclear fallout and not going outside. Was there a war on? No.

What was taking place was Russia and China were doing above ground testing, and their radioactive dust was falling on the United States.

Last time I checked, the Rogue River is in the United States, west of the Rogue is China and Russia. So all of that American nuclear bombing of Eurasia is going to blow back in massive fallout, just as Chinese pollution is radiating the United States every day in their pollution from their industry.

So you have your ground zero. You have your fall out. You have your hot zone due to rain or snow concentrating radiation. You then have five days later all that Eurasian bomb stuff falling on Americans.

That is a real chancy thing in saying you have a safe spot as everyone is going to get rads Some higher, some lower, but most will run a rather hot rad reading which you should not be outside for a few weeks. That includes the Rogue River.

The Rogue could be the biggest of death zones in some nukes hitting the coast, a rain or snow storm concentrating it there and in the mountains. Get a volcano to blow and it is not so pleasant, and the oceans may die and the coast might get colder too boot.

So that is your lesson in false advertising. I should not tell rich people this as they fail to donate like the ones who pretend they are poor, but then go off donating to things to preen about. I tell the Truth though as I am the last of the nuclear warfare experts.

Your best solution for most people not in a  ground zero, is a safe zone in your home interior or basement. Covering overhead and on the sides, a 90 degree angle turn at the door as radiation only flies in straight lines, is an affordable solution, Just make the roof and sides so they do not collapse on you as you are stupid people who do not donate.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
