Tuesday, November 29, 2022

The Russian Salients

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It appears that the cartel American branch in creating a notoriously vicious Polar Vortex in two November blitzes has now aided the Russian military in Ukraine, and hindered the Schwabian agenda in bringing Europe under the cartel's complete control.

For the past week, as Russia put the lights out in Ukraine, there has been broad incursions into Ukrainian held positions on the Donbass line. The Lame Cherry does not desire you to think of this in Nazi Reich Eastern Front operations in World War II of German encirclement and destruction of millions of Soviet armies, as this is not about encircling, because Ukraine does not have any effective concentrated forces left. Ukraine has an assortment of MERCs and zealots in small groups who are sent forward to attack Russian lines and then are obliterated as Ukraine has zero support for their military in artillery.

What Russia is performing are salients in city locations. It is winter in Ukraine, and Russian forces are free to operate forward in HAARP operations in America have made the situation in Ukraine pleasant enough for Russia to operate on a wide front.

This is a disaster for Ukraine and Schwabians, because the purpose of this Russian advance is to drive the Ukrainians out into the fields, and in winter that is not a pleasant place to be in trenches, which leave heat signatures for Russians to bomb. In the meantime, Russia is advancing into the comfort or sheltered towns which are relatively safe.

Meet you on the other side.

These salients are all across the front. The Ukrainain positions are not secure. The secure NATO Line in Donbass has been captured and obliterated by Russia these past months. Now Ukrainian Nazis have the position of being exposed in winter trenches to death, or to retreat 20 to 50 miles to the rear into towns for shelter, which the inhabitants are not pleased as Nazi's bring Russian fire to the towns.

The headlines are correct. The Russians astutely as this blog pointed out, are not engaging in a deep plunge into Ukraine, as it is not necessary. Slight pressure like this, alarms the public, and dispenses more Slavs as a human wave into Europe, growing short on resources by cartel design.

As no one has been in the mind of Vladimir Putin in getting this right, the Lame Cherry does not believe a wide offensive will take place with troop columns. Russia behaves as this blog has stated in wanting a NATO attack where Russia will crush NATO forces on it's lines in not fighting an over extended war.

The Lame Cherry also assesses that there is not really a need to cut the supply line from Poland. The Ukrainazi have no army of coordinated deployment. It would make more sense to have the bankrupt West keep depleting itself in support, weakening NATO and keeping that highway open so cold and hungry Ukrainians can flood into Europe causing even more problems

Russia has always wanted a viable Kiev to force to terms. That is why Zellinskyy has been safe. This little thug of ruinous leadership for Ukrainian Slavs in erasing them, is the worst possible person, as he alienates the peoples in the West. So literally Ukraine is not going to have not just any electricity for years to come, but will not have any plumbing as the pipes are all freezing and bursting without heat. Zellinskyy is leading Ukraine back to the 1800's, in sewerage in the streets, and cholera, as concentrated populations will not be able to exist in what is taking place.
Russia at this juncture is voiding Ukraine of being a nation. The facts of this trend are, barring a Great European War, Ukraine will be resettled by Russians and Belarussians, who will thereby end Kiev's dictatorship. Oddly enough, Moscow might make an appeal to hunted down Americans to receive 320 acres of land in Ukraine to resettle the void, as the Czar did with Germans over century ago.

The woke Co Opters of the United States have inflicted a policy which is the greatest holocaust in history it is the policy of Adolf Hitler in it is eradicating a Ukrainian Slavic People in their own land. Zellinksyy announced he wanted a Greater Jewland in Ukraien by 2030 AD in the year of our Lord. What is taking place is a holocaust of over 50 million Ukraine Slavs which dwarfs the number of published 6 million Jews in World War II.

This tide continues without a Great Eurasia War, and a number of nations will fold in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia. Poland will become a ghetto as the bankrupt West will not be able to succor that land. Finland will come into the orbit of Moscow, as will Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Moldova as active BRICS trade into the Balkans moves into Europe.

The Bible predicts different, but in what is taking place now, Russia is winning and the responsibility for these woke Schwabian MI6 policies which are in control of the United States and NATO belongs to that group of Bush, Clinton, Obama, Biden ,and yes even Donald Trump.

Thee only thing which will stop this in a Russian advance is HAARP bringing 40 below temperatures to Ukraine, but the damage is complete to the Slavic populations in they will suffer as refugees or die in Ukraine. 

That weather would stop Russia, and a HAARP wet spring would keep Russia from moving and perhaps convince Russia to come to terms, at least terms which were promised from George W. Bush decades ago.

For the first time in months: Russian advance across the front line – They also enter the strategic Novoselovskoye – Vuhledar falls

Russian advance in 3 directions at once

Ukrainian stronghold of Marinka falls: Russians enter city center – Fierce street fighting – Shock defeat for Kyiv in Donbass (maps)

Bombing Su-25 - Watch video

The Russians captured Spirne, Andreevka, Ozaryanovka, Zelenopolye: They broke the Ukrainian defenses at Bakhmut and are advancing towards Chasiv Yar!

The Ukrainians are in a very difficult position - They are leaving the southern suburbs

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
