Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Cherry Peach Burner

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Hmmmm where to begin.

OK, we built a barrel stove for heating the house, which is in the cellar.  We dug out an entry to the only side of the house which a chimney would fit, and had to run I am  guessing 15 foot of chimney.

As we got that for JYG it was salvaged and most of it was 8 inch pipe. So coming out of the Chinaman stove it was 6 inches, I ran and elbow into stainless steel or 4 feet, adapted it from 6 to 8 inches and got a Venturi Effect or compressed gasses were allowed to expand in the larger pipe which creates draft.

Problem: HAARP weather mods were creating a form of low pressure that the draft was pushed back and I got smoke 5 out of 7 tens I lit the stove. That defeats the purpose in opening windows to get the smoke out and as I can not get a fan and vent into that cellar, the remedy was to get a propane weed burner to heat the pipe, create draft and end the problem of smoke.

Well Walmart was like 14 days to shipping so we had like 20 below and blizzard winds coming, so that was not going to do.

So the Holy Ghost is always Inspiring to come up with remedies and this time He reminded me of a Plumbers Stove.

See the reason I did not want to go that route as alcohol in a can is like 12 bucks a gallon. It had to be alcohol as kerosene K1 is even more expensive and stinks, as does fuel oil, as does diesel fuel. The entire problem was the Goddamn paper they have now in newspaper is not paper. It is some recycled shit that does not like to burn and is more on the scale of COMBUSTS in an instant, and to get to the burning stage it produces this grey smoke that just is putridly morbid.

So we did errands on a nice day 20 degrees and found a gallon of alcohol, last gallon they had, and went to the grocery and got a quart can of Del Monte peaches. My cans are under snow and I regret those peaches as they are like expired I think. Had brown spots and were not what Stephanie cans. I thought ....there were only peaches in quart cans too. No pears, no plums, no nothing, Just these shit Del Monte peaches. Do not buy them as they are horrid.

So the idea was I had a threaded rod from a mail box invention which did not turn out, and I recycled that by drilling a hole in the top of the can side, and put the nuts on to hold the rod and the can together.

I filled it with cotton balls half way up, and asked TL to help monitor things as I can only hold the can, and I needed to know if this Cherry chimney heater was warming up the pipe and creating heat.

TL checked things, the chimney pipe warmed and TL said there was vapor coming out of the chimney outside. I checked, felt some warmth so thought, "OK give it a go as the winds are upon us and I need to get this done".

When I usually light the barrel stove,  it is like one big newspaper , the entire paper rolled up in single sheets and thrown in. I put sticks on top of this which does compress it some, and I use the Lame Cherry cardboard torch to get it near the chimney vent to get the draft burning. Worked good last year, not this HAARP year.

With this alcohol pre warmer the Cherry Peach Torch needs an entirely different light up as it refused to ignite with just balled up newspapers on a Cherry airplane foil wing I happened upon for draft. I think the new method will be two sticks laid down and twigs across them, and newspaper under them, with a rolled up paper with twigs inside lit up, and more paper rolled up to get the thing burning as paper on fire is not wood on fire, in a cold burn chamber.

It is burning good as I type this, and I can go back to the normal laying things across burning things to keep the fire kindled, but the success is that by the Holy Ghost this Cherry Peach Torch is the remedy until the weed burner comes which is more economical. A gallon has ........2 cups to a pint, 2 pints to a quart, four cups to a quart, four quarts to a gallon so 8 lightings or better to a gallon of alcohol. Not real economical, but it is better than cold air from open windows airing things out.

I get an 8 inch flame in having cotton balls half way packed in the can as round as the can. The cotton was signed some, but I was not out of fuel in the time it took to heat the chimney pipe up. Granted this is larger than a Plumbers Stove so is not as efficient, but it saved me lots of work, lots of up and down stairs, lots of cussing and lots of stress gone.

I posted this as a solution, thank God. Also if you have any common sense you will probably build a few alcohol stoves for emergency and also some pop can burners as they all work as long as you ONLY USE ALCOHOL. Gas will explode or do other things so NEVER USE GAS. Other stuff just stinks and few people but the English like food which is flavored like coal tar oil.

OK, so enjoy. Thank you to those who remember to donate and to those who steal. God will visit that too.

Nuff Said
