Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Georgia on my Mind


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was reading that Birther Hussein Obama, the image, was in Georgia. You know you do not get any close looks at Birther anymore. He kind of hides out at the Martha Vineyard Compound with the Mrs. Obama's gender, and is put on display from time to time in places like Georgia to attack Negroes.

The Negro that the image Obama was attacking was Herschel Walker. Walker is a most interesting man. He got lots of awards, the Dallas Cowboys traded him for the Minnesota Vikings team and that is how the Cowboys won all those Super Bowls when they were still legit.

Walker though was top heavy. He could run like the wind, but was not a running back in the NFL, as everyone was a big as him. He was a college running back.

He then did sledding in snow at the Olympics, before appearing as a Republican. Apparently somewhere along the way he was pointing guns at ex wife;'s heads which helps in a major voting block in America, and he is said to lie allot by liberal media, when he is not talking about vampires and werewolves.

This is where image Obama comes in, as Obama was doing that Obama thing of being as smart ass, but damnation, that Obama schtick just is dated. It is boring, stupid and stupid and boring.

Anyway, the reason the Lame Cherry is interested in this, is image Obama is a hypocrite if you think about it. Obama chiding Walker about vampires and werewolves, has his own problems with certain X Files things.

As the Lame Cherry proved, Obama had lots of photographic anomolies. Sometimes he had a club hand, sometimes his mole appeared and disappeared, his ears did not match like Biden's, and there was a little problem in before June 13, 2013 Obama was winner. After that date, Obama was a failure and never won again. He changed.

The thing is, is that we have seen enough rubber mask stand ins for Dictator Biden, that Obama has had his share too for the past ......wow almost decade. Whatever is in George chiding Herschel Walker is not Obama.

Obama comes in any forms after June 13, shapeshifter and these Biden like copies. Is kind of telling that Biden always refers to Kamala Harris as the President. That is not a slip, as Biden was already president in the deal worked out after June 13. The reason Kamala was put on the ticket was Biden was old window dressing and Kamala was the Obama extension.

So it is all kind of fitting that Herschel Walker brought up the macabre as Obama's image is all part of it. Vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters and rubber faced men.

You know what I think? No you do not. What I think is that olde Michelle, a gender of her own,  is the stalking horse of 2024. If you look at the image Obama, he looks like he is auditioning to be a Nelson Mandela look alike. Wears the same communist shirts and got that Mandela hair going on with that pimp body he slumps around in.
I think Michelle wants this Obama stand in to be Nelson Mandela for the Obama legacy, and that legacy will be Michelle in gender form as President of 1600 Penn. Now I have no problem with Michelle being President as she was natural born, transvestite or not, unlike Barack Hussein Obama who was dual citizens ship, actually triple in British Kenyan, Indonesian and fake American.

I also know that image Obama is a drag on Michelle's run for the presidency.  He has gone from Obama posing cool, to just being an old Nig. He is no Kayne West in charisma and snap. Kayne really puts the pressure on Michelle as he hangs with the Alt Queers and he is more macho than Michelle and when Kayne talks, people listen as Kayne does not talk in cliche.

1 day ago ... Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) leads Republican Herschel Walker by five points in the race for the Georgia Senate, according to a new poll released a ...

Of course image Obama's Afroid will win, because this is about 2024 AD in crooked elections and there is not any way the GOPliters want the Senate or they will have to impeach Biden. Mitch McConnell won another one for image Obama.

So this is a tarbaby really. Trump got tarred for being intimidated to stay out of Georgia in being blamed for all of this. So Trump deserted Georgia like he did Jan6.

Herschel Walker was called the worst candidate in history. I doubt that, but he is as intended in alienating the Black vote from Republicans in their attacking him. This Warnock is like Uncle Domwit. Add image Obama into this, and we have the glimpse which was not intended, and that is Barack Hussein Obama is dated. He is a retro act for those who want to grin about the past, but he brings nothing to the show. He is a worse empty suit than he was at the start of this fraud.

Georgia on my mind, not for long
