Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The Jew Star


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

They always said Gene Roddenberry based Star Trek on Gunsmoke. It seems most of the actors ended up on Hogan's Heroes playing Nazis, when the two leads on Star Trek actually jumped off in 1966 from the old West to Start Trek.

I like William Shatner as an actor. For some reason though he sucked as a cowboy or an indian. I would never have cast him on Star Trek in watching the work on Gunsmoke. Same for Leonard Nimoy, except I have never seen him in anything that I did like him, save for Star Trek.

Here are some pictures of Spock. He just sort of is a Jew who can not pull off anything non woke. I mean the White Priv of Jews as Whoopie Goldberg said, should have saved Nimoy from his Indian days and spewing a Southern Accent. 

I always get suspect when I see people cast who suck. Probably is a Jew thing in why they got hired. They hired lots of Jews and German sounding Jews.
I saw Spock as a doctor too. Really was like a lump of clay in that performance too. He did good in Sightings in narration, but he should have been paying the producers.

Not the same with William Shatner. Shatner is just rare. He was competent as his real self in training horses, in the things he dreamed up to be entertaining. I can't say I liked Shatner in all his roles, like on that Route 66 or whatever that show was. He just was meant to be Captain Kirk.

I will have to admit that Nimoy as a soldier did look like a puss faced Bruce Willis. As a cow poke he looked like Kevin Costner. As an Indian he looked like an old squaw.

I think that if Leonard Nimoy would have been cast on Gunsmoke like Dennis Weaver, he would have ruined himself as Weaver about did playing Chester Goode.

The nice thing about Jews with a horse in the race is that if you keep casting a Jew, just like shit it will stick to the wall and you will get a hit. Most people don't get that chance and just fade away. Not a Jew though, you keep casting them and suddenly you will find them a star. I can't think of all the Jews, but I must be right as my favorite Jewish actor in John Banner was monumental on Hogan's Heroes.

Here is John Banner on the Lone Ranger. He is simply impressive.

You should watch Banner in The Blue Angel. I liked the original German with Emil Jannings and Marlena Dietrich from the 1930's. It is disturbingly sad how a man falls all for the infatuation of a woman.

I am pleased these Jews left work which is timeless in Star Trek and Hogan's Heroes.

Nuff Said
