Thursday, December 1, 2022

Prisoners of the Flame

dude looks grey scale

French billionaire Philippe Argillier claims he has four databases that will expose 38 individuals who control the whole world and run the “shadow government”. Bill Gates, who needs no introduction, is one of those 38 un-elected individuals who control the daily lives of 8 billion people.

According to Argillier, he can prove the Biden administration takes direct orders from this shadow government.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I honestly do not understand the alarm that people who are listening to the World Economic Forum or WEF are expressing in the utterances of Klaus Schwab and his fagthink mind.

Klaus Schwab’s right hand man Yuval Noah Harari has announced that the WEF has been so successful in its plans that it is “acquiring divine powers” of “creation and destruction.” The blasphemy doesn’t stop there. Harari also promises the WEF will turn humans into gods.

The WEF is also increasingly hostile to Christianity and major religions. If you read between the lines just a little, it’s clear the WEF is consciously attempting to supplant Jesus

According to the WEF, Jesus is fake news, God is dead, and you do not have a soul. You are a “hackable animal” who does not have the capacity for free will.

I can tell you that the first statement is wrong in Bill Gates is not in control of jack or shit. What Gates is, is a committeeman who takes orders. He just happened to be the son of stooge Gates sr., who got the forbidden knowledge in the computer age was being created and Micosoft was awarded the DIA contracts to bring about this collective thought. The cartel had to employ the Clinton regime to have Gates put on the leash, which means Gates is just another stooge. He is not some special one of thirty eight.

What interests the Lame Cherry more is the confirmation of what this popular girl was educating you about the IMMORTALS, in the lords and priests who processed the false tree of life. That is one of the emergencies of the bio weapon Wuhan, is that the immortals must make a lesser immortal class to serve and to control. That is the trans human in this, exactly what this blog informed you of.

This cult of Nimrod has accepted information from the satanic genius and built for themselves a platform, based upon God's original order. satan desires a fallen humanity which is incapable of redemption as a revenge upon God for creating humans in His Image. These Nimrodians have sought to be gods from the start on the Cain mentality. That is what the WEF means in God is dead, Jesus is fake news, and that humans are wetware which can be programmed. Humans are in the process of being genetically, emotionally, psychologically and in soul reprogrammed like the sons of Sodom and Canaan, unable to be redeemed.

The immortals believe they can alter all of this by denying God, stealing His manprint for humanity, and create their own order in being untouchable by God. That is really illogical, but it follows the madness of satan. God states plainly that He can destroy both the body and soul in hell. Immortals are NOT Eternals.  Immortals can be burned. Eternals as in spirits like demons or those people who were saved and rejected God, can not be destroyed, but they can be imprisoned like demons in a lake of fire, which torments them forever. Eternal death is the worst possible outcome I can assess.

The Lame Cherry has examined immortality and it is as state which I conclude is the last thing anyone would desire. God explains that souls can thirst and can be burned. As a soul can feel, as you feel now, that means their bodies are like your body, but just can not die. That may sound wonderful, but project that out to, if they can feel heat, they can feel cold. How would it be to forever being subject to an earth that is freezing or boiling. If they could not get off earth, then you have people who can not die, being blitzed by solar heat or left in perpetual darkness on a dried out rock which was earth for millions of years, without any way of building anything to get away.
Death for moral people is one of the nicest solutions there is, as it ends pain caused by illness. I bring that point up, because in the Bible it says these types have a worm that dieth not. Imagine a reality of a cancer caused by some vax that eats an immortal forever. Something like that is out there in a rotting disease of altered DNA.

So the Lame Cherry does not get hyped up over what the WEF is nattering about in madness. I have studied the subject matter, been Inspired and understand that the last person I ever desire to be is in this Schwabian immortal group. Let alone, could you imagine sitting for ever with creepy pervs like Schwab and Gates?

So yes, the WEF is reprogramming DNA of the willing who submit to it. For the Protestant Christian who is Christ's, they are held secure in Christ. The cartel is almost complete in constructing all of this, but it is an oblivion which is destined to not being gods, but prisoners of the flame.

As near as I can adjust the numbers, this group of immortals have a shelf life from 3 12 years to 7, before they are kaput. Sort of like the 1000 Year Reich did not meet the numbers.

As the Lame Cherry has been explaining this for sometime, you should on past information and more complete in this post, understand this better and not get all upset about it, unless of course you submitted, then that is a different situation.

Nuff Said
