Friday, December 2, 2022

The Spoil

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We have a friend in Old Steve. I guess he is the only steve now as Black Steve died. He is from a well to do, money managing family. He is astute and I enjoy him as our friend as he is a good person, like all Norwegians and Swedes are, but he has the fault of being understanding, like to queer and trannies, in never figuring out that condoning evil, spreads it like a cancer into all our society.

He was talking about how bad things are in American and giving static to people who had vote for Biden, in those who hated Trump over that Black and White violence, and not liking queers.

The one guy then said, "Well I would that my daughter was dating a guy not a girl".

That surprised me in here was an enlightened democrat and yet he wanted his child normal, but he voted for faggery. That is the fact of what the world is.

With Steve though he has a friend, owns lots of farmland in Iowa primarily and is retired as a multi millionaire in Arizona. He was lamenting his stocks are falling under Biden. I never started thinking about what Steve said until the Holy Ghost had me pondering, as the question in this is, "Who the hell is responsible for the problems in Ameirca, Pedo Joe Biden or the people who are rich?"

Let me explain this so you understand. OK you have people who invest in this like farms. Who used to live on farms? Farmers. Who is living on those farms now? No one or they are 10 acres of some rich wage slave who paid 250,000 dollars or 500,000 for that site. 

No Mexican can afford that at 50,000 a year and no White man can afford that either. So who benefits?

The rich people benefit. Steve mentioned that this friend had bought sight unseen a farm in South Dakota. Paid 2200 an acre a decade ago which was 1500 more an acre than it was worth. It is going for 8 to 10 thousand now an acre, so he has made his money, but again, that farm like thousands of others are not White People with 6 kids, paying taxes, spending money in local businesses.

See the American rich investors have fucked this country over as conduits of the cartel. Who the hell is a stock market, but those who speculate in investing in stocks?

Who the hell is a corporation but those who take other people's money, then force out other businesses, and cut prices like Walmart, so they sell millions of products at 25 cent profit, which no main street business could ever complete with in only selling hundreds of products.

My dad was a socialist. I told him off enough that he stopped spewing communist utopia shit, but he said to me once about Art Linkletter a mega star of the 1960's. Linkletter and his group went into Australia where they bought up the sheep industry in millions of sheep.

An American sheherd would run 200 sheep, but when competing with Linkletter's Australian White Niggers who were earning 50 cents a sheep ask yourself if you could live on 100 dollars a year as that is what those sheep brought in, in profit compared to Linkletter.

Linkletter having millions of sheep was making 50,000 dollars per million sheep. That was still allot of money in the 1960's. So what happened was Art Linkletter made 150,000 dollars a year and the poor American shepherder got sold out as he could not make it on raising sheep.

That is what the Lame Cherry is saying. You own stocks. Where do stock dividends come from? It comes from corporations robbing people in profit margins which they have factored to the pennies so they know how much to take, without starting a revolution.

All of those kitchen products add up to billions of dollars fleeced from the poor. So that is what is taking place across the board. The poor people get robbed, forced out of owning homes, have to go into apartment ghettos like in Chicago, and end up having no way out as education is a money robbing racket that people end up paying for their entire life, like their high real estate homes.

So when Old Steve's friend is lamenting the economy. He is the Goddamn problem with the economy as it was his usury and his speculation which robbed people of their lands to farm, to own a home, to invest in their children's future and not be welfare slaves.

America was built on this. The Irish Scotts were the first slaves. They made out good though in freedom and gaining free land and the free lumber and animal hides to sell for income and profit. The Nigger was not so good and was relegated to sharecropper status and finally as welfare wards to make profits for the elites. The Niggers were replaced with the Slavs in the slaughter houses. The Germans were brought into the prairie to make farms, the Swedes the forests for lumber and the current phase is the Mexican Catholic to replace every American being replaced.

The first dimwit that Steve was teasing made a democratic statement his old man did, who manages at a cheese plant. He said the Mexicans milk cows that is what they are good for.

No, if you look at Nobel Roofing out of Texas, that is all Mexicans, and they are being paid high wages in replacing White People. People can tell the lies of propaganda, but the facts are the Americans with power and money created this problem by joining to the cartel. They destroyed America by GREED.

Do you know what started the Protestant Revolution in Germany under Martin Luther? You would if you read the archives in the Lame Cherry. Dr. Luther in his writings complains bitterly about rich land owners who speculated and then repressed the people on the land so they could never get ahead. The same robbery is in the United States, Europe and the Commonwealth. It is going to get worse as the cartel is going to end property ownership in the West. Robots will replace bankrupted big farmers and you will not travel as the hydrogen monopoly will control how much fuel you can use in a care you can not afford.

We have an old Jew covert here to Catholicism who was bragging about praying to Jesus daily and as I looked at her photos she was living in absolulte luxury. How did she get it? She and her husband were grocerers. That was in the day whe 20 dollars filled four sacks of groceries. They had the Catholic 12 kids to take over the world, but in each sale they robbed a few pennies more from every poor farmer.

Do you know what happened to those poor farmers and their children? They are all gone. In my local township, almost no one is left of the original group of families. They are all gone, because they were forced out and replaced by big farmers.

Yes the Catholic convert has the exquisite wood in her home as she is never cold or worries about the bills, but those families are gone she helped bankrupt, and they are herded into the metro dictatorships, voting for handouts, because that is how they are trained to survive.

You are responsible whether you make excuses or not. No one in this world has millions of dollars if they worked for it honestly. The only way you get money like that is through speculation in joining to the cartel. You have created this world and the problems in it. Whether you meant to or not in cannibal economics, does not matter, as this is the reality. The Green freaks can see you as a problem in displacing nature, but you can not see how your big portfolio footprint displaces poor families from owning a home.

My Bible reading which got me started on all of this, is your future. You think robbing me is something God does not see? You think your portfolios and speculation is something that God does not hear the misery of those you have displaced?

Just remember, you spoiled or robbed the poor to get your hordes of things. Now the cartel is coming for you. Instead of investing in poor people to protect you when things go bad, you hang onto your things which are going to be taken.

Isaiah the Prophet
Chapter 33

1Woe to thee that spoilest, and thou wast not spoiled; and dealest treacherously, and they dealt not treacherously with thee! when thou shalt cease to spoil, thou shalt be spoiled; and when thou shalt make an end to deal treacherously, they shall deal treacherously with thee.

And where are all of the wonderful luxuries going to go that you have ? You are going to die. Like the rich man and Lazarus you are going to Hell prison to wait Judgment. While there, all your wonderful things will become spoils to the poor people who are Christians who are left alive.

4And your spoil shall be gathered like the gathering of the caterpiller: as the running to and fro of locusts shall he run upon them.

So Old Steve is a great friend, but the things I educate him on, has him unable to process things. He is backed into a corner as his politics he trusted in and his money are failing him. He talks about shooting it out defending his things or shooting himself. That is where his mind is. He will do neither as he is an old Norwegian, and they just understand sin in compassion and sit and wait for the reaper like the rest.

If you are rich, this is your future. There are not any excuses in any of you. You joined to Babylon and like Lot and his family will not leave it's comforts. You spoiled millions and in the coming day, thousands will spoil you. That is what God said in rich people gather things up for His poor children.

Nuff Said
