Monday, December 5, 2022

Shortage Reality

Chief that child has two pennies, you can't leave that kind of money with people!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Hill published the following headline which is damning and the Lame Cherry will explain why.

Corporate profits hit record high in third quarter amid 40-year-high inflation   thehill 

The reason the above is damning is, we have all been lied to the past COVID years that all of these shortages which drove price and inflation had all of us in the same situation, that corporations were pressed to not go bankrupt in making dinky Oreos and Doritos was due to a necessary response to these inflationary conditions........BECAUSE THEY COULD NOT MAKE MONEY.

That means in the above, that if all of us are being inflated against, then Corporations would not be making any profits, let alone record profits.

The above The Hill headline means this is all a swindle to rob each of us. We have been told this propaganda by the globalist Rockefeller groups from the 1980's onward that it is the Middle Class consuming which is the threat to humanity as humanity is a threat to itself. That is all a lie. The above headline proves this has all been a holocaust by the elite.

Yes we all knew this, but this time, there is legal proof, just like every other time, that Americans have the right to seize these excess profits in court action, whether it be these woke oreo makers taking orders, woke Disney taking orders or woke car companies, always shrugging and saying it is regulations which they were involved in to genocide all of us.

There have been trillions of dollars stolen from each of us in these pricing schemes. People have lost their farms, their homes, their jobs and their chance at being millionaires. I have always told people to just add it up. If they had not been robbed that 20,000 a year in their wages in things like high taxes to fund all of this to high prices, in 50 years of work that is 1 million dollars.

That is due every American. That money did not disappear. It is all in those elite bank accounts and what is not there is in these conglomerates accounts, controlled by those feudal few. It is all there. Ronald Reagan was working to get that back.

There are no shortages or there would not be any record profits. Just remember that in every Oreo you see. It is all the same scam. Bidencon spending trillions in debt is just this same cartel getting paid through the various schemes.

It is all your money. It is still all there.

Nuff Said

