Saturday, December 3, 2022

Survival when the Gulag door Locks


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Long ago and far away, my love for junk piles, grew from the one in our trees. We had nothing so finding things in junk made you feel like life was not cutting you out of what everyone else had. The junk pile was secure, away from the hell that was my childhood, and I could play out there in digging around in old cork whiskey bottles that other people with hellish lives tried to escape before I was born.

I thank God the Holy Ghost was inside of me, as I observed things. Things which I doubt anyone knows who is living now, because no one paid attention. I used to find these huge battery packs, they were rotted, but imagine a huge sheet of D cell batteries.

You may wonder what they were for, and I will tell you, because I paid attention. Not that long ago in America, people did not have electricity. There was something that began called REA, Rural Electrification Associations, which pooled resources and started running power to all the farms and ranches across America. This was underwritten like the Tennessee Valley Authority as people were poor all across America. That is now no longer the case since Obama, and Trump left this shit in place, so power rates are going through the roof.

What the original people had though was windmills. Windmills pumped water and windmills had generators on them to make electricity which was stored in those battery packs I mentioned. Of course they were not efficient and passed by the way as REA appeared, but you should get some idea what I am driving at in the letter from PB below, which is going to help all of you if you get off your asses, because it looks like they are going to bury all of us in high bills for everything, and then like Frank Roosevelt give you a credit card which you can have your debt erased, as long as you only buy fake meat and shit they say. You will be monitored in your toilet flushes and how much electric you use, and if you violate it on your social credit score there probably will be penalties like community service or your kidney for a rich European.

Something is coming and it is e currency related.

Meet you on the other side.

Hello Lame Cherry,
Electric rates here in Maine went up 89% in Jan of 2022.  Just got notified they are going up another 49% in Jan 2023.
Wonderful, eh?    hmmm...  it may have to come to this at some point... at least during the winter if a wood stove is burning:  Wood stove > steam generation > steam engine > generator > battery bank
Too bad I don't have a stream or brook on my property. 
Take care and God Bless,

My water bill just went up. So pleased I am not like my fucktard neighbor who took out his two wells for piped in water. I kept that well for a reason and now have the well at Grandpas pumping water good enough to use.

This though is not about that staple, but I will explain that it would behoove allot of you to dig in a cistern and collect your rainwater. It would behoove allot of you to get a big auger that they use for putting in huge electric poles and sinking in a few shallow wells, as Robert Rodale said not over 15 feet, so that you do not go through the shallow ground water table. You will not drink this stuff, but it is for watering or for one of the projects like the cistern I am going to reveal. (By the way, we have a cistern so does Grandpas. I am still in an area that touches the old America and how they survived. I am not a moron, who destroyed anything. I kept things and I learned, and I have been preparing for what is coming since I was a kid.)

Now for the teaching part. Unless you are rich, having ten to twenty thousand to invest in solar, you should forget about going eco in freezers, water heaters, fridges, stoves and furnaces. You instead have to concentrate on lights which do not use much energy, computers and light fan motors.

It is work, but a generator, a generator hooked up to a tractor, will power battery chargers, which you can charge batteries for like a furnace fan in a few hours so you can have a constant heat.
You can look online and find Gaytube stuff like alternators attached to a windmill if you have wind which is cheaper, but you need a bit of know how to hook that stuff up. Again instead of being porn whores in all this fake news, you should have been educating yourself as the clock has about run out.

As the Lame Cherry has just pointed you in the correct direction. I will now tell you about Grandma Dellie's place my Grandpa share cropped on.

Besides the battery packs in the trees I found, there was something that just impressed me. I smile at TL in the Brier as every so often we talk to some one I know and they will light up and say, "Oh well water! It was so cold and wonderful!" It was cold as we were 100 degrees and it was wonderful because we were dehydrated from most of the summer from 50 mph Brier Patch winds.

Ground water is in North America around 50 degrees. On Dellies, they watered the cattle in a stock tank. Before the water went into the tank, there was this little wooden tank about 3 feet high and 3 feet wide with a lid on it, that the water went into, then was piped back out. This was the fridge. It was a constant 50 degrees and one of my biggest smiles is the memory of those 100 degree 4th of July days, going out and seeing a big rattlesnake watermelon, having it pulled out, all wet and dripping, and getting water on me, and it being sliced into, and the watermelon was so sweet and unearthly cold. It was just we were so hot and about to die that the fruit was that good, but that was a treat like none other.

I would consider it a waste of water to pump like this for just cooling and you do not want to run water back into your well, as you might contaminate it which is the last thing you want. So we return to this in a cistern, a sump pump, and you have that on a timer, so it circulates the water most of the day, and that is your fridge for less than the cost.

If you need a freezer.........sorry, you will have to can, or get a block house, insulated, get it cold in the winter and then butcher your things, and eat things up before it gets warm, or you will have to go English and eat rancid salt pork, beef and fish. Now you know why Martin Luther was so fixated on his puddings (sausages) cured and hanging by his fire place. German sausage does not need refrigeration. It just hangs and gets drier. It gets a mold on it you wipe off with vinegar. Just do not let it get damp.

I hope you non donors feel ashamed as what you are stealing as this is a PHD course in survival that no one on this planet is going to provide. I am telling you the old ways, and as I said, while you have been whoring around all of your lives, I have been paying attention and learning. I stored this knowledge in my memories and now it is all more important than your portfolios.

I can help you with air conditioning though, and that goes back to your sump pump. What you set up is a car radiator, and pump that cistern water into it, use a fan just like in your car, and blow it across the coils, and that is your AC unit. It will work, but use some sense. You might have to put a cooking stove like George and Martha Washington did out in the shed to keep your house from getting hot, and there are places that get hot like Texas that it might take a few cisterns to keep a house from being a boiling oven.

I have most of this not built. I have the parts, but rich people not donating, has left me with allot of parts and not enough implementation of the projects as writing this blog to keep ungrateful people alive, is time consuming in the other work and praying I do every day.

I had thought about just emailing this stuff to PB, as he tries to offset things by sending information which could help those of you who will get off your asses. He is someone like Richard in can do things which is a million dollar skill in getting things done. In the above he will think on what I wrote and come up with things that will fit or he will store things away in his mind for future reference. Knowledge is not wasted on people like that.

At the moment, I am digesting the information I obtained from Bugsy yesterday as  I was data mining him, as his dad was a fix it genius as was his uncle. I learned allot and I now have a line on two 4 cylinder engines, industrial so they have governors, Bugsy has one on an old implement. They run cheap, run forever, are water cooled and with them I can do a number of the things above with a belt pulley and that engine on a cart. For most people those thrown away lawnmower engines, with a going through would suffice for what you need. Old Joe our well man, another genius I envy as he invented things and did things like no one else, had a well rig, that he had this ancient lawnmower engine. No pull start, just the flywheel with a rope on it. 20 below that engine would start the first pull, and he ran his winches for the well equipment.

I adored and worshiped that old man, even if the my old man always ran away to hide and stuck me out in 15 degree January weather to help Joe pull up the well. I about got my fingers smashed when he let down the pipe once, so that taught me to get my hands from under stuff. He chewed my ass as only that old German could with, "Don't drag the wrench threads across that pipe". That scolding was like beating and I never to this day do that or handle a pipe wrench without thinking about him. He also taught me to tie a bowline knot the easy way. In all of that misery he was a treasure like the Tractor Whisperer or JYG.

Of course, you could always hook an alternator up to your bicycle and pedal your fat ass away as allot of you have fat asses to charge your batteries up. Could do the large pulley to small pulley ratio to get the RPM up maybe, but that is something which probably has you wondering what I just said. Yes they teach you that in college, but most do not file it away, as this is real world stuff of mechanics where it matters.

God cares for us, better than we can care for ourselves. A little engine has an alternator and battery, amazing thing is, it could run dozens of alternators to other batteries and in an hour do what a solar charge could. Yes I love steam, that is another process and I do not have access to that kind of equipment.

Old Freddie had those one cylinder engines, they used on water pumps and things. Big flywheel, they only fired when the RPM started going low. Gallon of gas or alcohol in them would last for days.

You idiots thing green started with the cartel. No it started out of necessity over 100 years ago, when you had to haul things by wagon and you could not afford kerosene. So engines only fired every so often and they ran for ever.

This is one you should probably print up for when the lights go out.

Nuff Said
