Saturday, December 3, 2022

The Imbalance of Power


Something quite amazing has just happened.  Following the terrorist attack in Ankara which killed 34 people and injured another 125, Turkish authorities first declared that they will not accept US condolences.  Then the Turks launched a military operation against “Kurdish terrorists in northern Syria“.  Turkey then claimed to have neutralized 184 terrorists.

How big a slap in the face did Uncle Shmuel get this time?  According to the Turkish defense minister, Hulusi Akar,

Terrorists’ shelters, bunkers, caves, tunnels, and warehouses were successfully destroyed,” Akar said, adding that “the so-called headquarters of the terrorist organization were also hit and destroyed.” Overall, the Defense Ministry claimed that the strikes hit nearly 90 targets, which it said were connected to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and the Kurdish People’s Defense Units (YPG).

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is something above in the Turkish actions, which are even more interesting than the writer speculated on. Remember that these Kurds were Obama's terrorists along with John the hero McCain's terrorists. You remember who al Qaida disappeared and Obama invented some new group called ISIS? There never was an ISIS, what there was, were DC Co Opter backed cartel oil truck drivers who were looting Syria (they still are) and Iraq of oil, which was taken to Turkey and sold, and the proceeds ended up in such places as the Republican and Democratic parties.

The Lame Cherry informed you in December of 2009 AD in the year of our Lord that Obama was running terrorists out of 1600 Penn Avenue. Obama Inc would run them out of Libya too and we all remember what happened to the queer Ambassador Chris Stevens and other operatives, to shut them up about Obama arms traffic to terrorists in Syria.

So Turkey at this point, in knowing all the US dirty secrets and how the Bidencon is running scared in Ukraine over being framed there, felt secure to blow the hell out of a US base there which has been conducting terror operations against Turkey.

..........and Bidencon afterwards stated in public that Turkey had the right to defend itself.

What is taking place is what the Lame Cherry stated. The cartel is breaking up Europe and that means NATO too as the United States is being pushed out so the Schwabians will rule, the world.

Douglas MacGregor is right, the NATO war against Russia might very well result in the collapse of both NATO and the EU which, in turn, will place an official “last nail”, into the coffin of an already long-deceased Hegemony which currently still exists only because of its momentum and its propaganda machine.

Here is the thing, and this is another confirmation which the Lame Cherry stated, in why Russia is showing such patience in Ukraine. It is because they know from the cartel that the United States is being pulled down. Russia also is not fearful of the Europeans as they have zero capabilities to stop any Russian mechanized corps.

Now, the Russians, the Chinese and the Iranians are mostly waiting, watching (probably smiling) and planning for the Hegemony-free multi-polar world they want to bring about, with or without the participation of the USA and Europe.

So we know now that Turkey is brokering between dishonest DC and the Russians. Turkey as the broker, just blew the hell out of the oil revenues which have been funding these crooks and Bidencon backed down. Turkey is now a dominant force in Syria, along with Russia, with America weakened. The balance of power has shifted from the Tel Aviv Jews and Saudi Arabia now taunting Bidencon, as Iran is ascending in the power curve with Russia.

That in Bidencon would be a recipe for a new Mideast war. Remember that Benjamin Nuke Bomb Netanyahu just was returned to power. Remember in this, that all that Kurd oil money is now hindered from flowing to these crooks.

\Hence, you now have a more vital concern than looting Ukraine for Tel Aviv. Nuclear Turkey is vying for control. Nuclear Iran is about in control and the Tel Aviv Jews are about to lose control. Lose your bank accounts in Bidencon and there are enough reasons for settling the situation in the Mideast to open a new front against Russia on her southern border.

Everything is now moving to an escalation. They could not goad Russia into something rash in Ukraine, now the paradigm is shifting.

Just remember Netanyahu was put into power anticipating this strike by Turkey.

Plot and Plans, Plans and Plots, the best laid plans of mice and men.

Nuff Said
