Tuesday, December 20, 2022

The End of the System


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It would seem with all this UFO release stuff and the files of JFK's Assassination now being spoken of as the CIA was involved, it would appear the cartel is moving to fracture the last of everything in America.

Meet you on the other side.

On Thursday evening, Fox News host Tucker Carlson reported his team spoke with a "person who was deeply familiar" with the withheld documents.

The source was asked: "Did the CIA have a hand in the murder of John F. Kennedy, an American President?"

The reply: "The answer is yes. I believe they were involved. It's a whole different country from what we thought it was. It's all fake."

Do I believe the CIA was involved in the assassination of JFK? I believe the CIA was involved just as much as the CIA was involved with British MI6 in Russiagate.

The Lame Cherry recently featured a British account of the Assassination of JFK in a video. If you watch this video, one thing begins coming to the front in it was a steering  propaganda, meant to steer people away from those who were behind it, or in control of it. This blog has always maintained it was the group which established the community organized state which rules from Tel Aviv.

When it is a reality that a group of financiers have controlled wars for centuries, it is not anything remote in the same group had Abraham Lincoln assassinated for thwarting their central banking plans in America.

The genius of this operation is that the committee involved everyone, so everyones hands were dirty or their agency was dirty, so everyone had to go along with the cover up.

Yes there were reasons for number of powerful people to remove JFK. He made numbers of Americans furious. The Kennedy's betrayed their mafia allies and the Kennedy's made war on the CIA.

In reverse speech, David John Oates found a reference that former president Dwight Eisenhower even green lighted this assassination.

Scores of books have proposed an endless variety of JFK assassination theories, including the late Mark Lane's "Last Word: My Indictment of the CIA in the Murder of JFK." Last month, author Mark Shaw released a book indicting the Mafia, "Fighting for Justice: The Improbable Journey to Exposing Cover-Ups about the JFK Assassination and the Deaths of Marilyn Monroe and Dorothy Kilgallen."

This came from the same central source which has rocked the cradle of the world for centuries. Some got too close like Dorothy Kilgallen and were terminated too.

What this blog has focused on was who benefited in this, and the answer was that JFK stood in the way of  Tel Aviv getting the atom bomb. As soon as JFK was dead, LBJ signed off and uranium disappeared from American stockpiles and ended up in Tel Aviv.

That will never come out in the papers which will be released as the cartel if their purpose is to disrupt the system and end it, then the CIA and others will be featured as the conspirators and criminals.

Nuff Said
