Wednesday, January 25, 2023

58th army of the Russian Federation


Russian Troops Occupy New Positions
In The Zaporozhye Direction

One Of The Largest Electrical Substations
Destroyed In Odessa

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you are a Soldier in the mould of General George Patton, what is taking place in South Ukraine is textbook beauty of one army crushing another army. After the Russian forces loosened up the Soledar stronghold, which is the last major point in the South, and probably all of Ukraine, the Ukrainazi army has been shattered.

There are 3 infantry brigades guarding a 100 mile front. Their main battle armour is the 65th Mechanized, but there is absolutely nothing to stop the Russians in artillery. This is the same situation which Adolf Hitler left the Reich troops in nothing but Mauser rifles and explosive pouches to take on the Russian army in World War II. Please be aware, that German Austrian combat troops are real Soldiers and what Ukraine is, is not of the same caliber in the least in these NATO and MERC trainees.

This is something I did not expect in an operation of almost 100,000 Russians in the south in a real encirclement. The reality is that Crazy Eddie Haskell of HAARP betrayed the cartel in not pinning down Russian forces with cold weather. Instead, Crazy Eddie is attempting to make America cold again......the wrong parts of America cold again where no one lives in this bizarre vendetta.

So at this point, as this blog stated, Russia will delay to February, for any movement in the North, which has freed up the 58th in the south to smash Bakhmut in a pretty encirclement. Russia is not sitting around in any of this. They hit a major weapon depot in Odessa and just shattered an electric power plant there, again in preparation in nothing to aide the south Ukrainazi forces from the southeast.

This quote is the reasoning behind the encirclement.

The aim of the Russian thrust in the south will not be to take cities like Zaporiziha. The aim is to bring the main transport routes, railways and roads, from west-Ukraine to the front in east Ukraine under Russian artillery fire. This will prevent not only the re-supply for the Ukrainian troops on the eastern front but also their exit from the front line. A 100 kilometer (60 miles) thrust to the north would mostly do that. A complementary thrust from the north towards south, which may or may not be coming, would finally close the cauldron.

Macgregor - Everything Is Pure Uke Propaganda
Russians Fire 60,000 Artillery Rounds A DAY

Russia is blowing through tens of thousands of rounds of artillery shells per day. They are protecting their forces and shattering the Ukraine lines. The kindest thing for the Ukrainazi is to be encircled and mass surrender to end their slaughter, because Kiev is handing them up as fodder. Ukraine has a shattered army. This is no longer a fighting force of any worth or value. They do not have the heavy support and these weapon dumps by Dictator Biden are only going to make this holocaust of Slavs worse.

I have no idea what the Great Offensive is that America is goading Nazis into. Ukraine needs a minimum of 600 tanks, with adequate air and artillery support. They have nothing so the sort. The armour being rationed into Ukraine, needs training which Ukraine does not have time nor experience for.
Russia has killed the Ukrainazi NATO trained elite with conscripts, border guards, and police. The Ukraine military is shattered as a fighting force, they are no longer mobile. What is appearing now is the meat grinder of the Red Army, the 58th with all the support they need. There are not pockets for NATO to tell the Nazi's to exploit. This is an encirclement and it is according to military doctrine and planning by Russia. Ukrainazi can no more stop this 58th than the Germans could stop the Red Army in World War II.

The Lame Cherry estimated two weeks for the completion of this mission, and that period is approaching and Russia is about to take and hold that part of Ukraine. The Russians are making absolute certain that not any reinforcements will appear to cause more problems from the west or north. This is what a front looks like in collapse. The South was made secure to kill the Nazi army there and the process is being completed.

The 58th is a beautiful reflection of Russian urban warfare. You will notice they are motorized infantry as that is all that is necessary with the 291st artillery, the 67th rocket and the favorite of all the 31st Sappers. They are all equipped with the proven Russian AK's, the RPG and the Thermobaric grenades.

The Russians will worry the Ukrainazi with heavy artillery to pound them to pulp.

The 58th Combined Arms Army (Russian58-я общевойсковая армия) is an army of the Russian Ground Forces, headquartered at Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia-Alania, ...

The Lame Cherry sympathizes with the forced soldiery like Stalins was in the Soviet Union, now being exterminated in Ukraine. At least Stalin was buying time in using up German resources. That is not the case with Grubber Zellinskyy. He is not a Chairman Ho Chi Minh of Vietnam nor any other strategist to form a semblance of operations with an intent to a plausible victory.

What is taking place by the 58th, will continue across Ukraine in the North for the remainder of 2023 AD in the year of our Lord.

Nuff Said
