Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Going Krazy Kowboy


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This one is a big sobering and I should leave it as a stand alone post, but will trust to large donations in people settling accounts as things are serious.

There is far too much sensationalism and panic on all media. We know that and experience this all the time in people saying sensational things. It is in that I truly desire for you to take this up a few notches beyond that, not to panic you, but to understand the meaning of the photo which TL took over the Brier. on the afternoon of the 24th of January.

We were returning home due to HAARP things in preparation when I looked up in driving, there were these pretty four lines which caught my attention. The last time I saw this, I was a child and President Ronald Reagan had almost started a nuclear war with the Soviet Union, as his policies were sending messages that the Russians believed America was going first strike with that Crazy Cowboy in office.

I did not have my binoculars, as I had a loaner as my old pick up was in the garage for repairs of the alternator, again before more HAARP weather bombs. I kn2ow these were military aircraft though by the contrail. They had been sent out on the bright sunny interlude between HAARP weather terrorism for the Russians and Chinese to observe. These are nuclear bombs, whether they are B 52's or B 1's.

They were riding out of the SAC base in Minot North Dakota by direction.

Meet you on the other side.

1.73 Minot AFB, Minot, ND (H). 1.74 Moody AFB, Valdosta, GA (T). 1.75 Mountain Home AFB, Mountain Home, ID (H). 1.76 Naval Air Station Dallas, Dallas, TX. 1.77 ...

Grand Forks Air Force Base (AFB) is a United States Air Force installation in northeastern North Dakota, located north ... GFAFB was a major installation of the Strategic Air Command (SAC), ...

Just to remind you, these are nuclear bombers. They have nuclear bombs on them. If they ever crashed on your state, you would have immense problems. What they are armed with are cruise missiles. The platforms are designed to fly in low, under 200 feet, at high speed, into Siberia, and depending on penetration of Russia, not return. Their payload are cruise missiles. This is the Air Force segment of the nuclear triad.

The last time I saw this, I was a child. I was mesmerized in watching B 52 bombers, flying like fighter jets in formation over my home. I had no idea that B 52's could cross hatch in pattern while flying at several hundred miles an hour. President Ronald Reagan, I knew then, was sending a message to the Soviet spies in America with satellite confirmation what the United States was capable of. That America was going to fly with the same precision up the Volga and obliterate Moscow with cruise missiles.

There were not contrails in the Reagan performance of Krazy Kowboy, unlike today. Those contrails were meant to be seen by Chicom and Russian satellites. These Pentagon wokesters lit up the defense systems of Russia and China to send a very strategic nuclear war message. This is not the adults of Ronald Reagan's administration who almost started a nuclear war. This is wokesters who do not know what the hell they are doing in cartel orders and are just dusting off the Reagan playbook without noting the consequences.

I'm still trying to take this all in, as I know the consequences of what has just been ordered out of Dictator Biden's White House and the wokester Pentagon.

A squadron of strategic nuclear bombers was launched for Russia and China to observe, to send the message that what is taking place in Ukraine will go nuclear when Russia trips the wire of what it is about to engage in, in Phase III. Ukraine is lost and the Pentagon is signaling that they will use nuclear bombers to attack Russia.

I must be careful in this, in educating you, so you do not discount this. This is a bluff like all wokester shit is. The Russians realize this, but also will move to the next step in this nuclear chess, beyond positioning their nuclear forces for launch. The steps are being taken, and there is not any going back from those steps. The United States in the above display just threatened a first strike on Russia with strategic nuclear weapons concerning what Russia is engaged in, in Ukraine. Russia will now be forced to move to counter measures in it's own first strike or the activation of the Dead Man Switch.

The world by this above display has just moved two steps closer to nuclear Armageddon There is only one step more to be taken in direction conventional confrontation between Russia and NATO, before this goes nuclear.

The United States no longer has the gung ho bastards in the US Navy trying to start a nuclear war over John Kennedy's sealing off of Cuba. The United States no longer has the cowboys of Ronald Reagan sending nuclear war signals to the Soviets. The United States as these Rainbow Warriors who take cartel orders and do not have any idea what they are doing. They saw Reagan did this, and it was successful, without reading further the assessment that Reagan had to pull back because it almost started a nuclear war.

The above photo will be judged by Chinese and Russians, who are aware of the Reagan gambits, that this formation shows lack of precision by America. The good pilots are gone. These are vaxed wokesters who can not be trusted by hand control to fly a bomber. These are auto pilot pilots and craft. There will be no human error. When they are sent on mission, they will fly by computer, navigate by computer and the vax wokesters will launch with no more understanding than a computer.

If there was anything human left, the contrails would have woven a pattern as a message. This is an automaton message and it was received.

To place this for your understanding. When the nuclear war comes, it will begin  with those F 35 suicide nuclear fighters which are now lined up on the Russian and Belarussian border. The heavies as pictured above will be the response wave which will follow when Russia responds with it's arsenal. From the definitions of Russian methodology, Russia will warn with a conventional attack or ramming of NATO ships with their craft. They may stray from their doctrine and obliterate the British Navy with hypersonics, but again that is conventional. When Russia moves, they will launch an obliteration strike of perhaps just under 2000 warheads. The Dead Man will carry this out, but Russia will be fighting a nuclear war with America with their thousands of warheads in their arsenal, and that will include space weapons strikes and ocean weapons strikes, for a projected period afterwards.

There is not any point in judging the above photo as incompetent or criminal. We have arrived at this point and are all here. If it was not for the Lame Cherry no one would know this, as again, no one else would have witnessed this or known what this message was, outside of Russian, America and Chicom intelligence. The populations are not to be included in this code, but now are due to another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So you understand, the Rainbow Warriors went Krazy Kowboy because they lost in Ukraine and this is all they have left. Ronald Reagan went to this option because Jimmy Carter had lost Afghanistan. Reagan's line was an attempt to save America from nuclear war. Biden's line is to sacrifice the world to save wokesters.

Apr 15, 2010 ... WARNING: May include the words "Nuclear" and "War" used in the same phrase.All content is subject to copyright law. All content belongs to ...

Nuff Said
