Wednesday, January 25, 2023

That Nuclear Clock is Closer to Nuclear Midnight

Nachnem Yadernuyu Voynu

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the Lame Cherry broke the story that American heavy bombers were on the move, there is now other confirmation from Hal Turner Radio in video of  B 52's moving from New York into Europe.

Here is a screen grab.

This is the Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Something in this must be addressed. The heavies which the Lame Cherry exposed out of Minot Air Force Base flying in formation are not single B 52's deploying to Europe in sequence. While "mine" are more dangerous, the greater danger resides in Hal Turner's B 52's, because these Stratofortresses have a much different purpose than nuclear war. Their purpose is to start a nuclear war. There is a difference.

Turner's B 52's it is projected are conventional JDAM platforms, meaning they are intended to with conventional weapons to blow the living hell out of Russian ground forces in Ukraine as their reach is that far in NATO nations.

In 2010, Boeing proposed adding a jet engine tailkit to the JDAM-ER for 10 times greater range. The U.S. Air Force initially didn't show interest in the concept, but by 2020 Boeing believed the service had regained interest in acquiring low-cost cruise missiles. The Powered JDAM combines a 500 lb bomb with a wing kit and a propulsion module, giving it the range of more sophisticated missiles through a low-cost engine while being cheaper though not having a stealthy shape or the ability to conduct low-altitude flights. Though less survivable, Powered JDAMs could be networked to provide a cheap standoff weapon to overwhelm air defense systems

The operational range of non powered JDAMS if 15 miles, (I personally believe the range can be extended at higher altitudes.) again if these B 52's are asked into Ukrainian air space, that range is the Russian front lines. Russia would be compelled to shoot down these heavies and then the process begins for building to nuclear warfare.  A probable Russian counterstrike would be to destroy the British Navy.

This is a developing story first broke again by the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter.

It is of psychological interest in how long the non donors will wait to buying some protection as these events unfold.

Nuff Said

