Sunday, January 8, 2023

Help the FBI


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Oh shit, when I started reading the story on this, I thought the FBI was offering a 50,000 dollar reward, not 500,000 for that DC Pipe Bomber. What distracted me is all the comments about this reward was telling the FBI to look at their own bureau, meaning the majority of people thought the FBI did it.

Thing is that fine January 6th Committee led by that pretty Liz Cheney never investigated that DC Bomber. That is amazing too in the FBI has arrested like 1000 people on the same pictures, and this gender they are offering half a million dollars for, they can't find a lick of a trail.

I remember years ago I inquired on that bin Laden kid, as they had a big reward for him too. I published where he was, and no one showed up with the money. I don't think the government pays off on their promises, but all the same we are law and order people, and any of us who have any information about this DC Pipe Bomber.

I was looking at those pictures which do not look like the same gender in the FBI poster and I am reminded of something from history I read about long ago. It was in Dallas Texas in 1963 AD in the year of our Lord, how people were photographed who looked out of place. Then they showed up again in DC a decade later and set up Richard Nixon to get rid of him as the Watergate folks.

Just reminds me of something in the same kind of things that happened before and people only got caught because they were supposed to.
