Sunday, January 8, 2023

That Select Committee

So to be more specific, was it just the FBI, CIA, DIA, Homeland,
who was it that told you to plant those two fake bombs?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It appears we have entered the wet dream phase of the Schwabians and their MI6 manifesto in the thing that CIA Director William Colby was most concerned about, before he was assassinated, and that is the complete destruction of trust in the government by thee American People with CONFIRMATION.

One must understand in this, that Americans do not trust what is going on in DC, right or left wing, and that is by design. The Obama era and Trump installment vaporized trust, as the planted intelligence rumors in the psyops of BLM or Qanon, produced the Alex Jones hocus pocus, but something far larger has appeared on the screen, and that is part of the charade of the McCarthyism of the state theater of Kevin McCarthy elected the naked dictator of the House.

It was Congressman Jolly, venting in some amusing hyperbole on MSNBC that for all the fakery that McCarthy baited the G 20 with, there is a little matter smoldering in the ruins, in McCarthy agreed to a House Select Committee which will have wide ranging investigative power to not run a January 6th Committee sham, but a Church and Pike Committee investigation from the 1970's which blew the CIA wide open, and forced them into the mode which we saw manifested in the Obama regime, where the FBI would lie to Congress and say, "Hey we are not investigating anyone" when it was the FBI in special operations in a Peter Strzok, but he was being run out of the CIA by Director John Brennan illegally in operations inside America. The CIA would claim it was not them doing Russiagate when it was the FBI. This smokescreen has worked as the DIA was running Qanon, NSA was breaking into voting machines and Congress is so corrupt that no one was overseeing any of this.

Some might say, "Same corrupt Congressgenders so nothing will happen." I think this time something will happen because the cartel intends to shred what is the American government so it will never be put back together again. Remember what Webster Griffin Tarpley said he was told in socialist and communists  would rule America and Republicans would be a 3rd rate party. This staged barely GOPliter control of the House, was done for the G 20, so that what came next would be this Select Committee, and just like the DIA was feeding Congressman Nunez information about Trump being "framed", it appears there is a real slate coming of real evidence. That the Director of the FBI is not going to be allowed to ignore Congress and not turn over documents.

We are about to get confirmation, not in the worthless Jim Jordon peek into the thong closet of Hunter Biden, but of the real operations which were unleashed against Americans. This will be covered by the Mockingbird press. Watch for that. You will not have to just hear Tucker Carlson fume about things as a DIA stooge. No, this appears to be a reality and this will be a cross the political line agreement of a government police state out of control.

Meet you on the other side.

And then secondly, what he gave them that we know, is the formation of what looks like a Church committee from the 1970s.

A House committee where Republicans can shred at the integrity of the federal government, and tell America that your government is spying on you and coming after you. That is at the heart of this; tear down, break down the government. We can’t trust the government. We’re going to topple it.

He just gave them a committee platform to have those hearings. And you better believe that is going to be heroin in the veins of Fox News viewers over the next two years. And undermine our confidence as Americans in self-governance. That’s the danger of what Kevin McCarthy just did.

"They" are telling you what they intend. This is the end of the system we know and it will be the beginning in the chaos of the establishment of the order. I have a feeling while we are being distracted by all of these revelations, that the Bidencoin will appear, that there will be a terror event, perhaps a Mideast drama and you will get a social credit score to match your daily bread ration as you can not pay for things anymore.

Personally, if I was of that named group of FBI at Twitter and CIA at Facebook, I would be thinking retirement and getting the hell to South America where there was not any extradition. There are going to be expendables in this and there will not be any running from it, from those who stay in American Dreamland.

The Lame Cherry puzzles over this, and I wonder in this coming scam if there is one cherry in this, which is going to be the focus of it all, the pariah moment which will transfix the nation. I wonder if it has a 500,000 dollar reward on it? I wonder if it is the FBI rolling out again the public request for the DC Bomber who looks completely as Revolver noted, as government trained operative. Will this be the big story the House Select Committee discovers in a new Deeper Throat? Is this the thing that we find this was a DIA operative, freelancing by the FBI and being run out of the CIA as all of this stuff was connected?

There will be a big story and series of big stories and it is logical to conclude the big one is the DC Pipe Bomber, perhaps this gender will even appear and testify live, giving all the details and the names.

We have had the diversion. Now let us see if the bait is the switch and it was all about this Committee which will do as Congressgender Jolly exclaims on his well funded appearances, which Yochi Shimatus would probably say was FTX paid for in this self funding operation.

This is where I would look as they are telling you too look there.

Nuff Said
