Monday, January 30, 2023

Putin's Other Invasion


there will be nobody left to argue about whether that was “a retaliatory strike or a preventive one.”

Dmitry Medvedev

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

While the world has been hijacked by the Western Mockingbird media over the baited war in Ukraine which is turning out to be a huge financial money laundering operation based upon American weapons, there has been another invasion, sponsored by President Vladimir Putin which has had outstanding success and not a shot has been fired.

While in America it is termed White Priv racism to not want beaners or any other invaders allowed into America as they are defined as "immigrants", in Georgia, not thee American Georgia, but the Georgia in the Caucasus Mountains the birth of the Caucasian races after the flood of Noah, which sits on Russia's southwestern border which has experienced a most interesting invasion from Russians.

No these Russians are not poor, lice infested rapists like the Muslims and Mexicans sponsored in America who get welfare payments and flown around American in Biden jets to invade Reagan Blue States, these Russians are all very wealthy. Think of them as the Oligarch's Brood in 100,000 of them fled Ukraine, when Grubbery Zellinskyy began his genocide against Russians in Ukraine. Instead of returning to Russia, these nationals instead, crossed the border with full protection of the Georgian Dream Government which governs there, allowing Russians in without visas.

This was quite a boon to the Georgian economy as the Russians brought in so much money, that Georgia's economy grew at 10%. It is a reality that the rest of the world, besides Russia, imploded economically since Donald Trump, but where Russians tread and trade, those nations are doing very well.

The Georgians though are as racist as most Americans, but no one says a word about human rights and hate crimes concerning Georgia, as the Georgians are most jealous of these rich Russians who do not go out and protest what is taking place in Ukraine. No these Russians of affluence drink wine and gather at parties. It is the life of Pairs before the Muslims were let in.

The influx of Russians has not been particularly popular with the Georgian public. A recent opinion poll by the International Republican Institute found that 78 percent of Georgians oppose Russian citizens entering Georgia visa-free. Regardless, the new arrivals have injected money into Georgia’s sluggish economy,

If one looks at the chessboard of the Great Game India, something starts appearing in reality. Russia under President Vladimir Putin is planting the Russian flag in a security perimeter which is Russia, south, east and west.

A huge Russian army is in Belarus. Russian forces occupy Crimea, Donbas and are in the process of taking western Ukraine under failed NATO leadership. Russia with simple monetary migration has not only control of the Dreamer party in Georgia, but has 100,000 Russians with enough money to change the Georgian economy to a robust 10% growth, while driving up inflation in housing as the Russians are so numerous in the capitol that Georgians can not compete for the housing.

Russia has such a close relationship with the Kazakhstan Government that when NATO attempted to disrupt the Government there as a prelude to Grubber Zellinskyy's genocide against Russians in Ukraine, that Russia sent in elite troopers who put down the insurrection.

Jan 9, 2022 ... Russian troops are helping put down anti-government protests in neighboring Kazakhstan. The crisis threatens to be a distraction for Russia ...

Studying the above map, Russia in the distractions of Ukraine by NATO has in the past several years gained secure footings and points from which it will not be dislodged. That is what winning looks like. Russia does not go outside it's sphere as it's sphere is expanding and Russia remains secure in those zones.

If one reviews history, Georgia was a disaster of the attempted Balkanization of Georgia in starting a revolution against Russians there in the South Osetia blunder by the Bush fam for the Soros elite. Georgia began attacking Russia with arms and Russia responded in a lightning operation which secured South Osetia, liberating it from Georgia. This blunder by the elite began the process of attempting to lure Russia out again, as in Afghanistan, as into Syria but Russia deployed effective use of power and saved President Assad from murder as Colonel Khadaffi had been murdered by the French for Birther Hussein in Libya.

We are witnessing the dimensions of the use of power from Moscow in Moscow provides diversions in withdrawals, gains what it intends as in Ukraine, as the NATO bunkers have now been eliminated, and Russia will gain victory as Grubber Zellinskyy desires a Slavic holocaust in Ukraine to remove the Slavs, for his guild to rule and rampage. No one though is examining the Russian diaspora in Georgia who have in one year become the ruling elite of that nation.

The Schwabian order which has bragged about penetrating the regimes of the world, have myriad of corrupt, bankrupt and failing states as America in their debauchery, but with Russia, their positions are robust and gaining the willing.

Klaus Schwab - 'We Have Penetrated The

Governments Of The World' 

If one examines the map of Russian possession, Russian annexation, Russia assistance and BRICS, the map is a large portion of the world, which is oil rich, nuclear and has huge expendable populations.

There are not many in this who would trade NATO's position for what Russia has assembled.

As far as the first and second world, Russia has all position and the 3rd world is of no value to either side except as two legged fodder.

So the lesson of Georgia is small scale of the large lesson of Russian diplomatic and military success. Putin's invasions are winning, and that includes in Ukraine.

Not even Dr. Henry Kissinger's peace plans are going to change that.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
