Thursday, January 19, 2023

The End of the Germans


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry views a number of articles from Prophecy or seers, seers in the German seers as those Assyrians have a knack for it. The basis of what is coming to German seers is that Russia invades Europe, blows the hell out of NATO at Prague and forces NATO into enclaves which  they surround at Switzerland and the Rhine.

Germany has been busy in rearming, but Germany can not even field an army for NATO in the Baltics.

The situation keeps degrading to the worst possible situation in Germany is purchasing the F 35, which has only one real purpose and that is a suicide nuclear bomb carrier.

That is the platform you need when your conventional forces have failed.

Meet you on the other side.

Germany Inks Contract To Buy Junk F-35s 
Capable Of Carrying Nukes

HK416 Finally Looks Set To Become Germany’s
 Next Service Rifle - 5.56 NATO Caliber

New German Infantry Fighting Vehicle
 'Riddled With Defects' – Der Spiegel 

The Germans just fielded a new fast armored attack vehicle in exercises. Every vehicle broke down, and from multiple reasons. These are the worst vehicles that Germany has fielded since it went mechanized.

Due to its numerous problems, the Puma armored vehicle was previously dubbed ‘Pannenpanzer,’ or ‘breakdown tank,’ by German media.

Added to that, the notable Heckler and Koch, lost out in competition for the new German rifle for the army.  This is that worthless 5.56 round that NATO just adores. It looks like it is in a plastic gun, built on the principle of the American M 16, which is another proven lackluster performer.

The operational principle of the H & K is that it is a gas operated compare to a spring operated system. Both have John Browning virtues and both have failures in most get dirty and jam.

The Germans once produced the finest semi auto rifle in the world, actually a better portable platform than the M 1 which America produced. It was the 44 and was not just a reliable weapon, it was accurate enough for snipers.

Germany is making a grave series of mistakes and should have learned from their past performance accomplishments. Germany should have reissued their STG 44, which was the parent of the fine AK 47.

The German seers never mentioned how horrid NATO forces are and how woke American forces are. When you have defeatable weapon systems as the US M 1 Abrams which is dead without drinking 7 gallons of diesel per mile, this F 35 which is a suicide bomber  and these M 16's, having the worthless German equipment along, only proves the seers of Germany were spot on in seeing the Russians obliterate NATO.

America was successful in these organized sand spit wars, because America dominated in the air. That will not be the case with Russia as Russia has technology. With China, China has the numbers to force a US attrition.

NATO will be fodder for NATO. Poland will be crushed and Germany with it's unarmed military is going to be wiped out

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