Thursday, January 19, 2023

Alec Baldwin to get Sex Years in Pound Him in the Ass Prison

Remember no pregnancies when I am in prison..........
and I can tell a Black baby when I see one.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Beloved husband, father, brother, actor and homicidal perpetrator Alec Baldwin was outed in about to be indicted by the New Mexico Judicial System on two counts of Involuntary Manslaughter or Womanslaughter or Genderslaughter, depending on how woke you is.

As no one was reporting the juice in this, the Lame Cherry will.

Near as I can tell from the 2011 New Mexico Legislature, Involuntary Homicide is a Class 4 Felony there. That is a sentence of 3 years in pound you in the ass prison. That would be a total of 6 years in pound him in the ass prison.

Alec Baldwin is almost 65 years old, so this will be a life sentence for him.......yeah he should get pardon time most likely, but figuring 18 months to 36 months, he is about reached his shelf life.

You know Baldwin is going to enter New Mexican Prison with that attitude of understanding these inmates, who are mostly Indians, Mexicans and Whites who hate Alec Baldwin. Baldwin is going to get into heaps of trouble, even if they keep him isolated and probably be shuttled off to some correction facility like the one in Lea County, and this will be the Warden who will reform Alec Baldwin.

Warden George Stephenson

New Mexico has many fine Wardens who will help Alec Baldwin return to the path of law and order. They have a wonderful state and they are quite progressive. This is the Roswell Correctional Facility, a Level II and their fine Warden.

Warden Chelsea White

 Level II facility with a capacity of 340 inmates. There are various programming and treatment opportunities at RCC including, education programs, welding program (with certification), substance abuse community and a volunteer fire department. There is a large volunteer base with over 100 volunteers providing religious support and other services.

As Baldwin is a shooter of unarmed women who are attractive and accomplished and a White Priv male who blames other women for his crimes, I would think that Baldwin's high power attorneys would steer him away from Roswell. Not that Warden White would ever be given to retribution over Baldwin homoiciding women, it is just he has damaged enough women's careers, so why take the chance.

So that is the real news in this Alec Baldwin story. Of course we all feel so much sympathy for the attractive Mrs. Baldwin who will now have to fend off lots of lesbians and amorous males looking to comfort her when her husband is away in pound him in the ass prison, but justice must be done in this and we are certain New Mexico will have a fair Judge, Jury and sentencing.

May 29, 2014 ... The longer the inmate is in prison, the more likely the marriage is to fail. One recent study found that each year of incarceration increases ...

May 3, 2021 ... My husband's in jail, I'm having sex with other women: Wives of prisoners reveal how they're coping in VERY honest confessions.

Jun 10, 2020 ... My experience of right at 26 years in Corrections, I'm retired, and my answer is yes. At least 98% of inmates cheat on their spouses or loved ones, one way or ...

  Whoa looks like Alec is going to be a Vaseline expert in man love and his wife is going to be lezo strapping it on.

If only Alec Baldwin was like other liberals in not being able to shoot straight. Poor Alec, he not only shot straight, but he shot two innocent people with his magic bullet.

Nuff Said
