Monday, January 9, 2023

The Matt


No Festus, I know you call me Matthew, but I prefer you address me as
The Matt, you can call my horse, The Buck, and my gun, The Elk Horn.
But you have to just be Festus as it would be silly to call you, The Festus.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I see it is almost 3 pm, and is the first time I am really sitting down, and in need of an unwind, as I started with the income tax numbers today in between getting the neighbor to feed cattle and watering the stock at Grandpa's place.

I have mentioned previously that TL is a Spreadsheet whiz and that is what I use, as doing =SUM(1A:44A) adds things up and I do not make any mistakes in those calculators putting all the numbers in.

As I received my tax preparer notice today, I hope to get things sorted and most things done before I all her for an appointment. I don't want to wait as I usually have my taxes done by February, the delay is I have to wait for other people to send me their 10 whatever forms.

I received this note the other day, and it cheered me up, as this is what all of you support as without people, this blog would disappear.

I'm so very pleased that Matt's Christmas was good. I look back on ours as one that sucked, but that was because we were snowbound for days, but I bbq'd ribs in the barrel stove, the house was warm and it was a nice Christmas. That is what I will remember, not the HAARP storms.

Thanks for doing right. I took your advise and had the best Christmas with the family making memories for the future. Ezekiel 9. 4 has me praying against the evil of our time. I joined praying against HARP. sorry that u dont have help, lesson are gold 

My world revolves around eating I guess, as today we made cheapo flavored rice, chicken thighs were on sale, and turnips we Jesus picked from the neighbor's fields. I think turnips are one of the finest vegetables there are. Am hoping to plant the sprouted bulbs come spring and get some seeds.

The bunnies have been dining on we little apple bark. HAARP starves things and they have to eat too.

4“Go throughout the city of Jerusalem,” said the LORD, “and put a mark on the foreheads of the men sighing and groaning over all the abominations committed there.”

I think about what Matt is praying on often enough, in I believe that God is Holy Angel complete in marking His own children. I honestly pray for Christ to return and the days shortened, as I have zero stake in what is in this world now. The things I once enjoyed, do not compare to the being with God and I certainly will have  things better when Christ returns.

Praying for God to plead His cause for His nature has helped, Thank you to all of you. I pray that the cartel understands the reality that their experts are not that expert and they are in numerous ways being hindered in what they are moving to accomplish. The vax was voodoo like HAARP, it gets them little, except to keep the robber barons, they are going to eliminate on board for lucre. What gets them to what they are after are demon influence of the Godless leaders, and money and munitions. It is Nimrod, but that is the way it is. You do not gain satan's world by germs and wind.

It pleases me that people do value the lessons here. I started writing Bible lessons because I could find nothing, except the Bible that was worth anything for the Christian Life. I hope that the things posted save people years of searching and wondering, so they can grow and become all they are meant to be sooner. I had nothing but horrid ignorant parents preaching at me their not having a clue about anything. It took a very long time to build the base for which I could have the answers and grow from. Hopefully others will have an easier time of it.

I have discovered this week, that mice just love my oven mitts. I had one in there about a month ago, as I wondered why they were falling apart inside. Well, Fuzzy the cat was busy prowling around, when not in perpetual heat the other night, when I decided to do Tea Tree therapy and reached up and stuck my hand in the glove and felt something and pulled my hand out with a mouse sitting on it. I killed the thing before it wised up. Every night I watch Gunsmoke, and I have found that I can outdraw the man who outdraws Matt Dillon every time. Dudes have to be slow as I do not think I am any Wild Bill pisteleo, although I consistently with a pump shotgun outshot my brother with a semi auto.

So in the afternoon I had tea with TL, and repeated the I was making something.....lasagna it was. I shoved my hand in and I had lots of little fur things on my hand, so out the door I went and appealed to our herd of cats to come for fresh meat, and proceeded to feed wee mice to the cats. The mice were two bite size. None escaped and as they ate a hole in a flannel bed sheet, I have not been that happy with this occupant of the Brier Patch homestead.

Anyway I killed them and am now ahead of Fuzzy in mice.

I heard a few shots today. Neighbors are prowling around shooting coyotes or at them. We saw one on the hill over at Grandpas. Cocky bastard stood for a bit, so I yelled BANG and he took off like he was shot at. Yes was a male. Low quality brown red thing, but he was a big boy. I like loners as that means he is not breeding more predators. I listen to the coyotes at night and we have what seems to be 3 pairs in our vicinity. I would be carrying the rifle, but that is the first yote I have seen since last year. They get peppered at so are not prone to stand around.
If it would warm up enough to dig in the ground, I have some really ripe containers of dead mice, that would make a dandy trench set..........I were the Legget boys out of Maryland who pioneered that set. The old man is dead, but I think the kid who milks cows is still in the business.

Dead Uncle had their tapes, Dead brother got them, but who knows what mice are gnawing on them now as most people can not appreciate the theater of dead coyotes.

We were 5 above this morning. Am tired of the cold. Sun came up and we got fog as we are on the HAARP line of both systems. I want the snow to thaw and pray for it. I have had enough of snow an things in it, as a two legger on a snowmobile decided to leave the road and ride in our ditch. He just missed a metal fence post with his 10,000 dollar machine. I hate people on snowmobiles and ATV.s At least on motorcycles they keep riding their ugly fat greasiness away. Now you tell me if you have ever seen anyone on a motorcycle that was appealing.

So anyway, my head is clearing and I need to start looking for something to write on the blog in the links I find. Down to 1.5 gigs on the internet, so do not want to burn that out. Not that I do, as I say off of video feeds and load small pictures. Just wanted to get the tax stuff started as I did not want to delay things............oh yes Brave browser has been threatening me to upgrade to Windows 10 so you know things are changing again. They shut down the browser the other day so that will have to be sorted out, but not in this cold as surviving is our mission now.

I think I am going to take a photo of JYG's newest prize and critique it as it will be a good exploration for prepping.

Well back to the normal work.

Thanks Matt for providing the rest. I pick on people I appreciate so they know I like them.

Nuff Said

