Saturday, February 25, 2023

Donald Trump and a Speech he is too Coward to give

But you abandoned your supporters Donald John Trump,
how do we know you will not abandon Russia?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is past prime that Donald Trump who deserted his people on Jan6, that he stops being water boy in Ohio, and hiding behind his Skirt Squad. It is time to request to speak before the Russian Duma and deliver this message for world peace.

As a former President of the United States who was at peace with Russia and cooperated with Russia and as a future President who seeks the same peaceful relationship with Russia, I want to thank President Putin and the Duma for granting me this opportunity to speak, as there has been too much inflamed rhetoric which have been uttered, which endanger all of us.

I have not come here to rehearse what each of us have experienced and believe are the failings of the other. I simply begin this by stating that I would abide by the Minsk Accords and all parties in the West would, as this is the direction American leadership would focus and America would not promote or take part in any other understanding.

I was elected President of the United States by a people whose priority was America first, but not leaving other nations secondary, and I was elected for peace with Russia. This I carried out for four years.

I am here to inform you, if elected by fair elections in 2024 AD in the year of our Lord, that America will have peace with Russia. I can not speak for your Government, but I can place before you, not an appeasement to Russia, but a working understanding which has very few points.

The first point is self determination. The people of Crimea and Donbass have voted freely to join the Russian Federation. That is the people's will. It is equally important that people in European nations have the voice to decide if they will to proposition NATO to join that group. I do not state this as a NATO expansion plan, but a reality, for where we are at now is because we do not trust each other anymore.

I do not desire NATO to be on Russia's borders, anymore than I desire the Russian Federation on the borders of NATO. What I offer is a buffer for Russia and NATO. I offer if Russia will accept in agreeing to never enter Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Georgia, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, the Balkans, that a new security zone would be enacted under the United Nation's charter and guidance, in a Slavic peoples with self determination, trade and defense, not a war zone ever.

In this we have a problem of the Russian nationals for which Russia is vulnerable in what began this. That is the peoples of the Transneister in Moldova, Crimea, Donbas and Kaliningrad. I have a simple offer. The United States instead of dumping billiions in arms into Ukraine, will lead a relocation effort with full agreement by Moscow, to resettle , repatriate and provide reparations for relocation of Kaliningrad and Transneister Moldova, to the area of Sumy and Poltava in eastern Ukraine which will join the Donbass and Crimea as Russian principles if the peoples there vote to do so.

The new line will be the Dneiper River, with Chernihiv, Kiev and Cherkasy keepig their Ukrainian borders.

The citizens of Ukraine who desire to emigrate to other areas of Ukraine will be provided financial assistance. These will be the established borders of Ukraine and Russia for all time, when ratified by the United Nations.

I am not claiming this is an ultimatum nor the end of all wisdom. It is a beginning for peace, instead of an initiation for world war which is what too many people in power want.

I am here for peace. The peace which Abraham Lincoln and Czar Nicholas cooperated on. The peace which Frank Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin cooperated on. The peace which Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan cooperated for.

That is the speech Donald Trump needs to go to Moscow and give.

Trump Issues Dire New Warning; “World War 3 Has Never Been Closer Than It Is Right Now”

Nuff Said