Saturday, February 25, 2023

The HAARP Chem Spray Cotton Mouth


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is just an observation after the HAARP Lezbo Gusher that hit America on February 22nd.

Our roads were plugged so I went for a walk to check them. Of course that is exertion in busting snow. I have mentioned about snow headaches, and I feel like one is trying to appear again from this chem sprayed snow. What I just experienced though is why I have a snow cough related to these HAARP events.

It was overcast as the temperatures were moving out of below zero in the afternoon, so there was content in the air. That is when I noticed as puffing along in breathing through my mouth as only northerners know how so they do not frost their lungs, that my mouth felt.......

I'm struggling to explain this feeling. I was definitely breathing something in as it felt like dry dust, but yet it felt like tannin in that film on your mouth, and I could feel particles.

I have been trying to figure out why in hell at night I wake up sometimes feeling like cotton mouth. It comes and it goes. I thought maybe it had to do with something I ate or gargling. Now I think it is this chem spray shit to make it storm with HAARP. As my mouth feels dry and I just sneezed as my sinuses are telling me they got irritated by something outside.

I know that the tourists like Dane Wiggington and ZeroHedge are coming to what this blog stated and noted years ago, that this HAARP snow is different. It does not melt, except at higher temperatures. There is not much moisture content in it. I can tell you that they changed the formula they are spraying, as my eyes used to itch with this shit and that does not happen now. Also those odd cobweb things I have published on, are not appearing under the snow as before.
This new formula in the chem trails makes me cough, every morning in a thick mucous lining on my throat and it gives me headaches every time one of these major storms starts being seeded in the atmosphere.

I know that there is aluminum and barium in this chem snow, but today I am certain there is a drying agent of some kind involved and it  just feels odd in mouth tissue, like tannin and grit.

This kind of storm should have removed all debris in the atmosphere, and yet something is still in the atmsophere. This morning, we had a very bright red sky. That should have been a warning of winds. That means pollutants or chem spray is in the atmosphere. Most days we have some kind of colour going on from this toxic spraying.

Just making an observation in this, and soon enough someone is going to start mentioning this. I did find it immensely amusing that the HAARP lezbo, drew down British Columbia air last weekend and it took until Friday for snow to appear in Hollywood. That is a stratosphere cold sink, not Canada. Just as the below zero air that is in Montana is a cold sink from HAARP.

These HAARP lezbos and the cartel are absolutely ignorant. The snow they make is not real. It has no moisture and it has a lessened effect on temperature as the sun is in a hot cycle. The natural gas is not being burned in the east, and the cold in the "no one lives in the Rockies" is not happening as the Lame Cherry stated in the populated east, so prices are suppressed. Not going to repeat how insane the HAARP lezbos are in Europe.

It is the point that I know I was just exposed to something on this trek. The chem spraying has changed.

Nuff Said

