Tuesday, February 21, 2023

For Peace, Let North Korea Head a Korean Union Committee at the UN

Blessed is the peacemaker, as I shall inherit united Korea

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

First is it not TRILATERAL when there are three parties involved?

 The United States held joint air exercises bilaterally with South Korea and Japan involving strategic bombers on Sunday, a day after North Korea fired a Hwasong-15 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) in a “sudden launching drill.” South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said the exercise, in which South Korea’s F‑35A, F‑15K and U.S. F‑16 fighters escorted American B‑1B bombers, demonstrated the allies’ “overwhelming” defense capabilities and readiness posture

The Lame Cherry had been fearful that the marriage of the lovely and brilliant Kim Jong Yo of North Korea, would have hindered her to not being the complete leader she was reared to be.

With the launch of the North Korean, ICBM, which means intercontinental ballistic missile, meaning North Korea can nuke the United States, Dictator Biden has endangered South Korea and Japan with a ridiculous show of weakness in "We will destroy North Korea if North Korea destroys several allied cities".

Thee only solution, which of course is what the dying Jimmy Carter, espoused for years. President Donald Trump vectored into this same solution as millions of dead people is not a solution.

The United States should instead be engaging North Korea, and that means Kim Jong Yo. North Korea is one of the few realities in this world, where reasoning will work. The North Korean leadership is a pirate state in order to survive. They though are astute in having survived their allies of Russia and China. The North Korea of the Harry Truman era is no more. Kim Jong Yo is a visionary as her brother was in Kim Jung Un. They are the keepers of detente with the United States. They certainly if America is weak will attack South Korea to unite the peninsula and remove the corrupt regime there, but North Korea is not about to allow itself to be fooled into being fodder for China or Russia, the way Ukraine is offering Slavs up to the holocaust.

If the woke Rainbow Warriors in the District of Co Opters were interested in peaceful solutions, which they are not in Ukraine, they would offer to appear in Pyongyang with a non aggression treaty. It would be a simple document stating that America or it's allies would not threaten North Korea, that means military threats alone, but all threats.

Let the world invite Kim Jong Yo to the United Nations to speak, to head a committee for Korean union, and let the union of Korea be the issue that the United Nations deals with, without American threats and the need for North Korea ICBM statements.

Nuff Said

