Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Welcome to the HAARP Gay Parade


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Perhaps  the above photo may make a bit more sense if you look at Crazy Eddie's gusher below, like all of these T shaped HAARP weather bombs have had the same signature.

Mix one dildo and you get a gusher golden shower.

The I 90, never before in the history of the world as it is not natural, like the squinters.

I probably should in the woke age placed this on Crazy Eddie as well, identifying as lexbian is written up not as a sexual dysfunction, but more of a race of homi somethings, at least if one is squirting out in Germany.

Now Hunter Biden's art buyers would call this artistic. Gothe would just term it crude like most things are in this manifesting.

Look at the good though this thing has done. Her lords were involved in that train thing which is as this blog predicted now soaking up toxins into the groundwater and running off into the rivers. You have to figure on this that this is aimed at a holocaust of Americans. I don't know if the lords and priests got the thing sorted out yet about genociding the Levites who this Ashkenazette thought ignorantly were only German migrants as ...........well there is a God. They know they can debase people so God will wrath on them, but the thing is, they are not eternal and that God out there does not appreciate His Levites put through things like this, so what Crazy Edwina has been unleashing will be the sins they will all pay for.

You suffer now, but the cartel pays with soul ash later.

.......and no Edwina does not appear like this. it would need allot of airbrus to get this close. I was not going to waste time looking up squinty eyed squirters, as the FBI in their Stingray have to sort through all of that, and the my personal 75 million dollar drone was taking glam photos of me in a ground blizzard on Monday as the committee was interesting in what I was talking about again as it was sin the were going to pay for.

Now I would think, even with rituals stuff that goes on in the pentagram, that those in the know on these weather mods, just got to make snide comments when a message comes in from Edwina or they see it at some gathering and her crude ejaculations in weatherlore, is really something a Gothe, Kant, Nietzsche, Reil and Hegel would reject for what gutter pawnshop trade it is.

Too bad about her lobes. Lobes are the most influential definition of attractiveness when it comes to the homosapien.

Hope no one catches a cold in all that wet.

Nuff Said
