Tuesday, February 21, 2023


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was interested in when Roger Stone took up reporting again and went after the CIA.

A stunning, long-overlooked Nixon Watergate-era tape shows Richard Nixon warning CIA Director Richard Helms that he knows of CIA involvement in the murder of John F. Kennedy- “I know who shot John.” 

Of course, everyone knows who shot John.

What I found interesting was in the comment section this series of posts which are interesting reading. Most of the names in this, you would have had to have been there to know these were the visible spokes spinning the wheel.

Just as Senate Howard Baker, (he tried to 25th Amendment Reagan) and his Republican investigator Fred Thompson were wrapping up the hearings on "Watergate" and in the last questions to Alexander Butterfield, Butterfield kind of added that Richard Nixon had installed a taping system in the White House out of nowhere. Once that was known, Watergate was back and it brought down a President in a staged coup.

The name which you will keep seeing popping up in Daniel Patrick Moynihan, as a CIA alter ego in John McMahon, who was the deep mole Angleton was hunting in government. Moynihan ran the electronic intelligence operations out of CIA and NSA in CORONA and  ELINT.

In his bio, you see his roots were part of the bankster who sold out America in the Harrimans, Brown Harriman is who the Bush family laundered money for.

He worked on the staff of New York Governor W. Averell Harriman before joining President John F. Kennedy's administration in 1961. He served as an Assistant Secretary of Labor under Presidents Kennedy and President Lyndon B. Johnson, devoting much of his time to the War on Poverty. In 1965, he published the controversial Moynihan Report. Moynihan left the Johnson administration in 1965 and became a professor at Harvard University.

In 1969, he accepted Nixon's offer to serve as an Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, and he was elevated to the position of Counselor to the President later that year. He left the administration at the end of 1970, and accepted appointment as United States Ambassador to India in 1973. He accepted President Gerald Ford's appointment to the position of United States Ambassador to the United Nations in 1975, holding that position until early 1976; later that year he won election to the Senate.

As you read the comments below, know that it was Hillary Clinton who took over the perpetual New York seat of Dan Pat Moynihan.

Rush Limbaugh would use the Moynihan phrase often, Moynihan's 1993 article, "Defining Deviancy Down", was notably controversial.

Dan Pat rocked allot of cradles.

Meet you on the other side.

Matt Cloud

Writes Matt’s Substack

6 hr ago

I'm the source.

But if you want to follow along, and not rely on "agreements" between interested and compromised persons, here ya go.

Deep Throat had to know about the taping system Felt would not have known.

Alexander Butterfield (acknowledged CIA plant in the White House) installed the taping system in February 1971, just as Moynihan was leaving. Nixon wanted it installed to preserve records for his memoirs as a statesman, the Disraeli that moynihan had encouraged him to be. Hence the need for a recording system especially after Moynihan's departure, the lone intellectual in the Nixon WH. Moynihan's departure was caused -- arranged -- due to Leon Panetta's leak of the benign neglect memo. Distraction to call Moynihan a racist (just as with the Moynihan report leak in 65.) Leaked at Moynihan's instruction. Lenzner involved here too, whose son is now CoS to Wray head at FBI.

Moynihan's nightly drinking buddy was Alexander Butterfield, who kept up with Moynihan -- I have it in the diaries -- after he left the WH. Would have told Moynihan about taping system. Indeed Moynihan was in and out of WH from 71-73.

Moynihan was in India from Feb 73-74, safely out of country during watergate hearings. His involvement is the firewall that as had to be protected at all costs. He traveled back to DC four times in his first 8 months in India. Could be then that he met with Woodward, whose last physical meeting with Deep throat was apparently either in May 73 or first week in Nov 73.

Moynihan was the deep penetration Mole Angleton was hunting, however legitimate that hunt may have been. His cover -- his cut-out -- was John N. McMahon, DDCIA 82-86. CIA 1951-86. It's his papers in the LoC that are the "Vault with a vault within a vault" that Eric Olson referred to in Wormwood. Moynihan/McMahon ran CORONA out of Tregaron 61-65. ELINT.

I hope you agree that it makes sense that Moynihan/McMahon being so prevalent an obvious source for Woodward in Veil (1987) that he would have been the earlier source too. McMahon absent for the CIA records by and large during this period. [CORRECTION: NEWL RELEASED CIA DOCS REVEAL HE HEADED ELINT UNDER CUSHMAN.] Basically disappears during Watergate, disappears during Vietnam. Just like Moynihan.

Moynihan's counterpart in USSR was Alexander Yakovlev.

On the way back from the Nixon funeral, in 1994, Elliot Richardson the AG who refused to fire Cox leading to the Halloween massacre, said to those in attendance aboard AF1, including Moynihan that it had been's Moynihan's Disraeli line to Nixon that caused him to install the taping system and as a result Moynihan had caused Watergate and thus the resignation.

Moynihan was safely in India during Watergate hearings. Moynihan's name never came up during Watergate investigation, even though he had hired the Plumbers and Krogh etc.


Hunt's safe, which the FBI raided, contained forged cable trying to link Kennedy to Diem assasination to pin on Kennedy. Also included was cable from from Bangkok bureau chief in 1971 about N Vietnam troop movements in South. That was a TIME internal cable. How did it get in Hunt's safe? These were the documents that Pat Grey was supposed to burn. What's the significance? Look at Lom Son 719 and Easter Offensive and final Peace Accords terms. Otherwise, "You'll have to figure that at on your own."

Moynihan meets with CIA director Vernon Walters in Jan 73.

Most important it had been Moynihan who hired Hunt and Liddy at the WH in 69, ostensibly to shut down the heroin from Turkey. Moynihan writes in private letter, "for close hold" that he was responsible for Watergate. But he tries to come up with a bureaucratic explanation-- things got out of control as they would for men like hunt and liddy given too much power. Says Watergate not result of Imperial presidency but a weak one. Shutting down the heroin from Turkey, which was mob-run -- The French Connection -- was designed to eliminate the competition for the CIA heroin smuggling from the Golden triangle. That same operation then shifted to Iran-Contra (guns for cocaine to Mena) then to Afghanistan guns to the taliban for opium. Now that synthetic opium for china is flooding the rural areas of US no more need for organic smack.

There's more. It was Kay Graham that wanted Moynihan to go after crime in the district as the city was burning from the annual riots by 69. Wanted Nixon to bring in federal troops. They used the plumbers to infiltrate heroin operations there as cover for larger Operation CHAOS activities including surveillance. It was the Podestas that leaked the Canuck memo sabotaging their own campaign.

Moyninan knew Ellsberg before Pentagon Papers break-in.

Reagan, Clare Boothe Luce, and Bill Webster all at Watergate at night of break-in.

Clare Boothe Luce had funded the Plumbers both before the breakin and after for the defense fund. She was rewarded with seat on PFIAB.

Webster then an obscure federal judge was rewarded with FBI and the CIA from 1978-1993 or so.

Reagan became president after removal of old baggage of Nixon and the red scare. New more modern conservatism of Buckley and Moynihan fusionism. That will be important as the Mole (MOYNIHAN) rises in the Reagan years. No taint of past spy troubles from early cold war. Buckley wanted Moynihan as VP.

But first had to have Carter in to screw things up so bad so Reagan would be a shoe in. TIME made Carter president.

Gorey/Woodward/TIME, 1976

Woodward: "He [Deep Throat] has a career in government."

Felt was out of the FBI by '76, and soon to be under criminal indictment. Was there a condition of his pardon by Reagan/Meese that he assume the Deep Throat role?

See also, regarding the artfully-titled Vanity Fair article on Deep Throat, "I'm the guy THEY called Deep Throat":


It get's worse, and I can go on and on and on ...


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Matt Cloud

Writes Matt’s Substack

3 hr ago

Attached from the recent December 2022 CIA CREST upload are:

1. A 1971 memo from John N. McMahon (Moynihan), then Director of ELINT, to DDCI Cushman regarding Gary Powers, whom McMahon/Moynihan had debriefed after his return to USA. Recall Cushman would be a significant witness during Watergate, testifying before the Ervin Committee regarding Agency contacts with Hunt.


2. An in-house chronology of Watergate, encompassing the wider, proper understanding of the break-in as part of a vast expansion of intelligence activities, ostensibly stemming, during the Nixon administration at least, from the effort to "combat" drug trafficking and radical groups. (It had actually begun before, and has never stopped.)

Entry one, dated July 9, 1970, concerns Moynihan and Tom Huston "thinking well of the memorandum on 'Black Radicalism in the Caribbean.'" The entries spiral downhill from there you might say.


3. A memo regarding TIME magazine reporter Sandy Smith investigating Robert Bennett and Howard Hunt and the Mullen & Co. PR firm. My hunch is that the last two redactions at paragraph 18 obscure the name McMahon. If so, it would be McMahon (i.e., Moynihan) that had urged Bennett to hire Hunt at Mullen & Co. Not coincidentally, I think Sandy Smith's enquiries on the subject of who had hired Hunt at Mullen & Co. was more or less shut down by TIME and the agency shortly after this memo. (The memo indicates that The Washington Post had already done so, contrary to the myth of its dogged persistence by "Woodstein.") Indeed, it's around this time that Smith was eased out as TIME's correspondent on the subject. By '74, TIME would call allegations of CIA involvement in Watergate "Chuck Colson's crazy theory."


4. Relatedly, another memo indicates on the routing slip on the second page that the secretary to another TIME correspondent, Hays Gorey, was a former Agency employee. The point being that TIME was effectively an Agency adjunct.


The December 28, 2022 uploads to the CIA CREST database include many revealing documents regarding Agency desire to frustrate requests by Senator Howard Baker and counsel Fred Thompson, for example; it's quite evident that Thompson's Democratic counterpart Terry Lenzner was far and away an Agency favorite. Lenzner would then turn around and represent Gottlieb re MKULTRA.

I suspect that the reason behind the release is to, quietly and gently, begin to let out that a lot of the firewalls -- THE firewall, in fact -- of the Watergate story has cracked, to lessen the impact any forthcoming reporting may have by implying that much of the underlying information had already been publicly released. The possibility of Congressional investigation by the new Church Committee may also have contributed.

Any new Church committee must be willing to go where the facts lead and just as importantly prevent recommended reforms from, again, leaving the fox guarding the henhouse.

Abolish FISA/The FISC.

The root problem is the secrecy system itself; until that's destroyed the club of the insiders will continue to dictate to the rest. And their survival requires that those who step out of line, or become a risk, or become no longer useful, be culled. Secrecy requires the system to eat its own, eventually but inevitably, as truth comes out.


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Matt Cloud

Writes Matt’s Substack

6 hr ago

And that's why Moynihan chaired Intelligence Committee after Church hearings. Fox guarding the hen house. Moynihan was effectively CIA director the entire time (read '73-86 and beyond).


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Matt Cloud

Writes Matt’s Substack

6 hr ago

He was the source for Hersh's scoops which removed Angleton. Critical to note that those 1970s disclosures about 1950s-60s abuses were only helping Moynihan take the reims of the Agency.


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Matt Cloud

Writes Matt’s Substack

5 hr ago

And virtually anyone of any political importance in Washington already knows this.

Just as an example, why do you think Woodstein have gone so silent on their twitter feeds?

And this is what is in the docs at Mar-A-Lago, or what FBI and NARA were looking for anyway.

Matt Cloud

Writes Matt’s Substack

5 hr ago

And obviously both Left and Right are implicated in this. East and West. Mutual Assured Destruction, or in Smiley's phrase, "the diabolical symmetry." These are the Family Jewels.

Now is Roger Stone at war with the CIA in implicating them in the Kennedy assassination? I can not tell you allot of things, but keep this in your memories as it is all important.

It is all important,

Nuff Said
