Tuesday, February 21, 2023

A Chemical Chernobyl


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have not covered the Ohio environmental disaster, as am trying to survive yet. I will only state the obvious, that this is massive toxic pollution.

I will have the explanation point on this at the end.

Renowned 9/11 Atty Tells OH Residents
To Flee The State - 'Train Disaster Was
An Inside Job'

Why Did East Palestine Launch 'MyID’ Emergency
Service To Surveil Biometrics 1 Week Before Ohio
Train Derailment?

Burning Skin, Headaches, Anger & Uncertainty
Ohioans Suffering After Toxic Train Wreck - What
About Those Downwind In PA And Canada?

Family Left Coughing Up Blood, Suffering Other Health
Symptoms Following Intentionally Created Toxic Cloud
Of Death After Rail Disaster In Ohio

Being Exposed To Just 1/32 Millionth
Of A Gram Of DIOXIN Is Your Maximum
LIFETIME Allowable Exposure

The exclamation point in this is, there are two HAARP super storms which will move into the Ohio this week. You can see the start of them today. These will soak dioxin into the soil. These will cause years of toxic run off in the major rivers there.

That means everything from New Orleans to the St. Lawrence Seaway are going to be exposed to this pollution and all the people, communities, wildlife, lumber and whatever. This is a chemical Chernobyl and HAARP is in the next days going to cause a flood of these toxins to soak into the ground water and into the waterways of the eastern United States.

There is not any turning back from this. Does not matter if it is deliberate in the fire. It matters that HAARP is going to spread this poison in a chemical holocaust from Ohio outwards.

Nuff Said
