Sunday, February 19, 2023

Kiev Ordered To Call Off Invasion


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Big Offensive which Ukraine was being armed for has had the United States now warning Kiev to not undertake an attack upon Russia Crimea.

If you read the links below, you can read between the lines in what is taking place. America is being deluged by HAARP storms. Russia is having free reign to blast Ukraine's Nazi for seizures and Kiev is being warned to not start a convenational or nuclear confrontation with Russia, because Russia is going to take out NATO, that means American communication satellites, and Russia is going to use nuclear weapons.

Russian Diplomats Issue Dire Warnings
That War With US Is Close

Another Russian Official Dead Under Mysterious
Circumstances As Top Russian War Official
Plunges To Her Death

Blinken Warns Ukraine Against Seizing
Crimea In About-Face

F-16s Useless In Ukraine – Wagner Pilot

Russia Issues Space Warning

This quote explains everything in the treachery against Russia in London's Great Game India which Washington DC stupidly agreed to implement, becoming a target.

“An integral part of this policy is the long-term containment of Russia, including through the expansion of NATO towards our borders, as well as the transformation of fraternal Ukraine into a Russophobic military stronghold,” he said. “In recent years, this line of Washington and its European satellites has reached the point of no return.”

After the fall of the Soviet Union, Washington and several other Western states gave assurances to Moscow that the NATO alliance would not expand beyond Germany. However, in the years since, Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump have each allowed new members to join the alliance, all of them inching closer to Russia’s borders.

The United States is attempting to deflect a full Russian attack and direct military conflict now with Russia. That is these Rainbow Warriors, not just blinking, but seeking to appease Moscow as this proxy war has been a disaster for the United States and Europe and has strengthened the BRICS world.

No matter what Anthony Blinken meant in his statements to Kiev, the reality is the reality, that the Rainbow Warriors are pulling a Saigon Sayonara, meaning Kiev is going to be left to be obliterated in the United States is not going to fly air cover. That means this is all dumped into the suckers in Poland. Lithuania and Germany to deal with this shit hole.

Russia is being emboldened further as the United States shows cowardice, which is what the cartel intends to bring Russia out to invade Europe.

Nuff Said
