Sunday, February 19, 2023

The anti Semites of HAARP Holocaust


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry has made satrical humor over the weather terrorism aimed at a place called Brookings South Dakota, and in the following, you are going to see things which do not happen normally in weather, ever, meaning this is human created for a purpose.

The weather terrorism which is being unleashe will reach most of the eastern half of the United States, as Russia gains perfect weather for warfare in Ukraine. Europe was told it would receive horrid did not, another cover story. The only conclusion is the United States was the target all along.

The models you will be looking at are out of homosexual South Dakota and you will see two weather bombs unleashed. The first comes out of Montana. The second is following the Colorado pattern of super storms.

This should all be rain, but that is what is being enginered to holocaust life out on the plains. What is taking place is a cold sink is being created in the Rockies. This will then be used to pull below zero air into the east, and cause rain to become snow in this region, and Iowa will receive it's curse of ice.

There is not any way that a storm centered in Kansas and Missouri should be dumping snow to the Great Lakes.

Meet you on the other side.

This is the view of the regional alerts and the focus of the coming 2 feet of snow. If you look close that is Brookings South Dakota as the lead point.

I am going to offer you a theory which might prove fact in this of what is really behind this. Meet you on the other side.

Do you know what lives out there in this yellow zone? No you do not, but I have eluded to this in the archives, but I never pinpointed the location.

Here is a story which might sound familiar. There was a man who had 12 sons. One was sold into captivity in Egypt. The other was chosen as the priestly tribe to make contact with God. These 12 sons, formed 12 nations and they defied God. God broke them into two peoples and exiled them.
The one was returned to the southern lands while the other was driven across Asia and Europe, and even into America where their identity was hidden.

The one group driven into the United States, lived on the east side of the Jordan River.They were Gilead, always in the lead in war and finding new lands in the long trek. When God set apart the Priestly tribe of Levi, He did not give them any land, but He settled them amongst the other tribes to guide them.

The above storm map in yellow basically defines the Israelite Germans who were transplanted into the United States in bulk from Crimea in Russia to Germany proper. These were the Germani, not the Assyrian Germans who were exiled too by Babylon in defeating them and took on the name of Germans by the Romans, as that was what the land was called.
I have mentioned that Francis Parkman, the first American historian, and eulogized by Theodore Roosevelt, was perplexed and confounded. He simply could not find a reason that entire communities in Europe simply moved to America, while another village nearby stayed. The reason was God, and these were Israelite enclaves.

That yellow warning map above is Israelite Germans, and not just this Gilead group which settled America as pioneers, but the people who came with them. What you are looking at above is the largest concentration of the Levitical Priesthood in America. If you know what you are looking for, you can spot these olive complected fair skinned, brown, black, blonde and red haired people with hazel, blue and brown eyes. The Lame Cherry will tell you something now that no one is aware of, but me. If you can find a Germanic whose last name ends in a JE or KE, you are looking at a Levite. None of them might act very priestly or Levitical, but that is the branch concentrated there.

The reason the Lame Cherry is providing this information is that we have an anti Semitic holocaust taking place in America, on all of us, in the plague, the police state etc... and the weather terrorism. People are being destroyed and they do not have any comprehension who they are or why. This is why.

I could go into the other suffixes in who are the hereditary rulers by name and who did what. That is not that important as God will sort all of that out.

A Cascade sized storm with snows in the Great American Desert and it keeps happening by weather terrorism and Crazy Eddie is behind this.

Just to make clear for your understanding in what you are dealing with and why.

This all should have broken down weeks ago, but the weather terrorism persists, because this is an engineered holocaust without camps and gas chambers. They are using heavy metal poisons and weather to destroy the Spiritual DNA.

Nuff Said
