Thursday, February 23, 2023

Safe Zone


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I wanted to revisit that Safe Zone thing in nuclear bombs on America. You can see the safe zone. Below you can see where the big nukes will strike in this area, and how far the effects will be felt within 5 hours.

No matter the wind direction that area is going to get the rad plume, and other rad plumes from North Dakota, Nevada, Texas or Missouri. in the 72 hour fall out.

I would live in that country, but all the same, you need shelters for you and your animals from rads. That is still two weeks to a month in a bunker which would drive most of you nuts.

The key to this is preparation, like most of you have been engaged in. Most of you have piles of chit in your homes and garages, in which you could pile around a bed in an inner room and ward off the effects of radiation. It would beat hiding in a sewer, getting wet with radioactive rain or breathing rad dust.

You are not going to be better off running till your gas tank runs dry, and being around people who are going to beat your head in, in the middle of anywhere. Figure it out where you are, unless you live in Omaha or Cheyenne Moutain, New York City, etc... then that takes a bit more than things piled up around and over a bed.

Nuff Said
