Thursday, February 23, 2023

Doritos Terrorism

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you notice something about the recent "interesting events" of the past three years, that things happen which make the news, like the DC Pipe Bomber, the FBI investigates and nothing is advanced, then something new like food processing plants are burning up, again the industry swears nothing is happening, nothing is found and then someone is going around shooting up electric substations, but no one is ever found for that either.

Just like these HAARP once in a 1000 year superstorms are generating about every week, and of course there are not chemtrails or weather modification as the fact checkers have all assured us of this, there surfaces once again a whistleblower, who somehow is connected to the government, much like that Dr. Robert Malone on the vaxes, who says there was a government terror attack file on the food supply and it matches exactly the events that the government was running it's projections on.

There simply are allot of events happening that benefit the few. Just like at the start of the internet, every year in the autumn when our virus protection programs were all expiring, there arrived a new super virus that killed our computers. Of course this was all coincidence as a billion dollar industry would not sabotage itself to force people buying protection, just like Microsoft never built in program and operating system degradation to make sure you updated to the next windows, like the Brave browser quit working with the warning, You Must Update To Windows 10 or Later of Your Browser Will Not Work.

Who benefits in a process where Americans are deprived of money by shortages and inflation, where Americans are no longer able to care for themselves in food, housing, security, finance and health?

The Lame Cherry can mention the framing and set up of Jan6. Could mention the framing and set up of Russiagate. Could mention more realities from our news, but instead reminds you of President William Clinton's foremost intelligence supporter in Director William Colby, who during the Franklin Scandal, which we are told now did not happen by fact checkers, stated that his greatest concern for America, was that Americans would stop trusting the system which governed all of us.

If you observe the stresses from these gun violence scenarios that look like plug and play, the hysteria over an Alex Jones and that endless barrage of "crisis actors" that was like listening to a talking Barbie as the words came out in all fringe media, that it does not make any difference in whether you vote for Alexandria Ocasio Cortez of the CIA or vote for Marjorie Taylor Greene who by astounding transformation is no longer DIA Qanon quoter, but is Donald Trump's favorite blonde and Speaker Kevin McCarthy's favorite proof that she is a real blonde, in both voting sides do not trust anything to do with America anymore.
Literally, what is left of the psycho normality of Americans, looks like we are watching a Monty Python sketch. Take Ukraine, the latest money laundering scheme, making us nuclear targets so the few can get their hands on Russian gold. There is this grubby little troll named Vodo Zellinskyy. He wears this Mao green t shirt, never shaves, bitches all the time about not being able to extort more billions from the West, an then shows up in Congress, gets standing ovations, given an American Flag and the flips to Hollywood liberal awards shows as a 1984 talking head, assuring them they will not be nuked. This from a troll who is overseeing the Slavic Holocaust in his own country. He just killed off 25,000 Slavic Nazi in Soledar, and we are told this is a great guy.

No Grubber Zellinskyy is not a great guy. He is a horrid despotic crook.

In forensic psychology which the Lame Cherry is the founder and chief expert, a troll like Zellinskyy is a conditioner. He is the guy dressed up like a clown, who goes into the Church, slaps the preacher and walks out, and the surveillance cameras roll to see what few people are left who react and say, "This is Monty Python insane". Most people have shut down in being so bombarded with brain numbing that they do not deal with the madness.

We have been lied to since Woodrow Wilson had his patriotic war to slaughter Lutheran Germans, then followed by the patriotic war of Frank Roosevelt to slaughter Lutheran Germans, in an America which was a majority of Lutheran Germans. The psychological rape of the Kennedy Assassination and people just keeping quiet as Richard Nixon was taken out, to dope headed teenagers cheering venom, is just a series of conditioning events that has overwhelmed the mind to deal with information. Birther Hussein Obama, the British subject, deluged the minds of Americans with another manifestation each day. When Jimmy Carter attempted half of that, he failed. Obama was propped up and the tidal wave of mind numbing distrophy was established.

We daily have madness tests to judge how compliant and nuts we all are. We are AI categorized and tabulated. We are herded so we do not care and in the end we reject the system we have, which is intended in this, so we will accept without question a new order which is being installed.

Meet you on the other side.

Huff has access to government information about simulating a food supply attack. The information comes from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Food and Agriculture Sector Criticality Assessment Tool (FASCAT). This also includes which places are particularly at risk.

According to Huff, who authorities have harassed due to the nature of his work since 2019, the U.S. government coordinated the attacks on the food facilities. But, in addition, something remarkable happened: the hard disk with the FASCAT data disappeared.

Since then, there have been about 200 food factory attacks around the world, most of them in the U.S., he explained.

Huff had another backup and analyzed the attacks. It turned out that the attacks exactly matched the most critical systems in his data set. He reported this to the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI but never received a response.

Huff knows that the FBI and the food industry have tried to investigate what he calls “terrorist attacks,” but they’re getting nowhere. He suspects that a government-funded actor or a globalist group like the World Economic Forum is behind it.

Nothing will be done about any of this. Whether his Huff is legitimate or not, he is being allowed to provide that information to the Mike FBI Connected Lindell media platform to reinforce the alienation all of us have been subjected to in trusting this corrupt system.

I have stated before that the way I handle all of this is look to Jesus the Christ. I refuse to be tossed around in the mad house of design daily, being disappointed constantly and being told, "Just vote in one more election". I have witnessed this outcome for too long to expect reason. It is madness to expect reasonable outcome from madness.

For your own sakes in keeping informed, read the stories, but do not get drawn into them. Your life does not depend on a Doritos bag or verified by SNOPES. The same advice holds in pay your taxes, obey the laws, do not get into trouble and build your bridges to things you like for a peaceful life. For me, Peace is trust in Jesus the Christ and it does not matter if the zoo we are in, has us behind the bars, or the monkeys performing with bananas are behind the bars as cartel cameras observe all of us for amusement because I am free inside of me and liberated from the world, because I have a better life out there as Promised by God.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
