Friday, February 24, 2023

The Dog and Pony of Toxic Crashes

I promise you that we have never had an Lutheran or Protestant group
hosting awards at our mansion.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is the dog and pony show which is appearing now as the cartel in their continued psyops has turned the democratic party into the war and money party while the voices in the Republican party who are not GOPliters have become what the democratic party once was, the voice of the working poor.

You have read the dog, now here is the glow worm to spice things up in Christophobic rants.

Ukraine is not China fighting against Imperial Japan. Ukraine is an oligarchy which is comprised of a minority Ashkenaz rulership, like Herod the Edomite in charge of the Jews in Jesus time, which is nothing about saving Slavic lives, but in their holocaust, so the nation's resources will be stolen.

Long ago the Ashkenaz invented Marxism to control populations and to manage nations cheaply. A new phase in this has emerged in Ukraine a century later, where the process is to kill of the majority of the population, install non Slavs into power, and to turn the entire nation over to conglomerate boards to loot.

This is an advance on Hitler's system in the Reich, which relied on forced labor which the United States has employed with Mexicans and Muslims. Not even in Africa where George W. Bush and Bono saved Black lives from dying and now the population is exploding, tried to kill off the Blacks for Peking profits and J Street control.

Ukraine is a new animal of holocaust and genocide.

The United States since Frank Roosevelt has existed under International Socialism compared to Hitler's National Socialism. It has been a plundering defeat for Americans in their dreams while reward the few who rule.

Josh Hawley like Donald Trump in the toxic dump in Ohio are part of this pre arranged powershift in party alignment. Trump's contingent are the baby butcher monopoly and sex deviants. Hawley is the window dressing of the Bush kinder and gentler which created this wiping out of thee American Middle Class which their family buddies in Clinton and Obama finished off.

The Lame Cherry could not more agree with Josh Hawley. The problem is there are no jobs in America and the voters of East Palestine are dead men walking, like the vaxed.

Thee only reason this is an issue is because you Americans are so dense that you just will not fall into the mould you are being forced into, so the psyops has to keep roughing you up so you turn into a sex socialist.

If you want to believe the scam, then keep the leash on, but do not blame me for the facts.

Nuff Said
