Friday, February 24, 2023

Cursed be Those

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is God's Promise, either you obey His Commands or you will be cursed. Obey Him and you will be blessed.

Therefore cursed be those who do not keep the Covenant of the Hebrews as they entered the Promised Land. Cursed be those who do not keep the Covenant with the Lord their God, that they will be laid wasted as Samaria and Judah. Cursed be those who do not keep the Covenant of the Lord Christ which were wed to this in the Founders of the United States and other Lost 10 Tribes in Europe.

The blessing of Deuteronomy 28 filled the world with abundance in the keeping of the Gospel of Christ. The curses of Deuteronomy 28 now enslave the world for not keeping the Covenant of Christ.

Do you not comprehend that satan and those who are the cartel guild are fully aware of this Promise of God, that when they unleashed their cultural warfare, they knew it would bring sinful rebellion and Spiritual warfare where God would eliminate His heritage as He had accomplished before. It is how a little evil was able to bring about the destruction of the entire world.

Know and understand that reckoning comes first to the Americans and their Lost 10. Judgment then comes upon the world.

Cursed is the population and it will be eliminated from God's sight. A remnant will remain, but all of you have made the arrogant deception yours in you think you will be the one saved. You have robbed God. You have left His teachers to languish and you filled yourselves with comforts. You gods are your portfolios and your luxury. Your reward is now. There is not one in Heaven.

This will not change. You will invest and you will fail. You will go out and come back empty. Foreigners will breed your women and foreigners will sit in your houses directing you.

There are penalties in this and those national and personal sins are curses upon you.

Nuff Said
