Sunday, February 19, 2023

The Happy Travelers


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Jim shared this note and a photo which really pleased me, of him and his lovely wife.

Dear Lame Cherry
I just wanted to let you know that your website is verboten on some of the Thai networks, particularly at the airports. But I am back in a hotel and able to read again.
I'll offer you this photo, we are the old and ugly ones enjoying life!

They are a beautiful couple and his wife is from Thailand. That is what puzzled me in he said the Lame Cherry is banned there in parts. as I remember quite a number of Thai readers back when, and I just checked the daily feed, and in red you can see that I have readers in Thailand.

If I wrote more in Spanish I would cover more ground, but you can see who in the intelligence network and diaspora who are reading this blog. I will say that when they were trying to Google ban me, I had quite a number of porn traders bombing the web out of Kenya and Southeast Asia. It took me awhile to figure out why the numbers were so high, and it was due to an effort to shut down Conservative media online.

Those pictured with Jim, I have one who just walked by and greeted me. That is something only a few people know what I'm talking about for my own protection.

God bless the happy travelers in His Care.

Nuff Said

