Saturday, February 18, 2023

Before the Lies Rewrite Jimmy Carter's History

This is what you think on that Jimmy....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is  a difficult thing to post as a Christian as the fiction of Jimmy Carter is once again perverting America as it was in 1975 when this "peanut farmer" from Georgia suckered enough people to gain the White House.

Jimmy Carter was never a farmer. His family owned a peanut warehouse. He was a nuclear submarine commander which made everyone think he would be tough on Russia. He instead focused on "human rights" and turned the world into a blood bath from Afghanistan to Nicaragua. The fact is every disaster America has faced, somehow traces back to Jimmy Carter from North Korea to 9 11.

The reason this matters is Jimmy Carter is dying, from brain cancer, but he received a new Jewish treatment years ago, because of privilege, and where Americans would have died long ago, Jimmy Carter kept living his life of luxury, funded by Muslim terror money at his Carter Center.

Jimmy Carter, 98, to receive hospice care   reuters 

The Lame Cherry can tell you that you are going to hear a great deal of eulogizing about how wonderful Jimmy Carter is, more pronounced than Rush Limbaugh, as Carter is willing to pony up for the publicity, where Limbaugh's widow was busy selling his clothes as hundreds of millions was not enough.

How Jimmy Carter Saved Canadian Nuclear Reactor After Meltdown   military 

What Jimmy Carter is remembered for by those who suffered under his malaise, was Stagflation, a great depression economy, almost starting a nuclear war with Russia, bragging that if had started a war he would have gotten re elected, the murder of a US rescue squad in Iran over those Iranian hostages which was a Jimmy Carter creation still giving nuclear terror benefits, contacting the Soviets to ask if they would help meddle in US presidential elections, telling Americans that America was over, as we could all freeze in the cold of winter and the revelation that Jimmy talked to everyone at his Camp David mount and came to the conclusion that it was Americans fault, not his, that America was falling apart.

Yes Jimmy Carter was the victim of Rockefeller policy to link the dollar to oil, and Richard Nixon attempting to get re elected in 1972 AD in the year of our Lord, opened the government spending to boost the economy, which by the time Carter arrived, had America in the inflation adjustment which was crippling everything American from farming to the steel industry.
Oh and Jimmy Carter after luring the Soviets into Afghanistan by Zbigniew Brzezinski creating Militant Islam, put an embargo on US grain sales which collapsed the US family farms so they lost their lands. Oh and Jimmy Carter had so few parts for the military, that we could not even put combat aircraft into the air. Oh and Jimmy Carter was so flustered by Ronald Reagan in a debate, that he blurted out that America had stealth technology.

I know we will hear out wonderful Jimmy was in Habitat for Humanity. I know we will hear a great deal, because you do not know that Jimmy Carter in having an inferiority complex, over 40 years ago, scripted to the last detail in a pile of papers he wrote directing his funeral, in everything from the peas which would be served to the plates, that Jimmy Carter left nothing to chance. People are going to be held hostage for days, as Jimmy lies in state as lies are told about him. I can not think though of something better for the kind of "christian" Jimmy Carter is that it will be pedophile Joe Biden doing the talking and Jimmy never said a word to protect children........he proper Baptist Sunday School teacher.

So it is bad shit that Jimmy Carter is dying of brain cancer, but then he is not going to have catastrophic medical bills, or that forced Obamcare bills, because he got free unlimited care which we all paid for, and we do not have medical insurance. Jimmy Carter is White Privilege to the last.

Jul 9, 2018 ... Former U.S. President Carter said on Sunday he believes “Jesus would approve of gay marriage.” “I think Jesus would encourage any love ...

As you can see, Jimmy Carter exists in a world of abomination and blasphemy which he can twist anything to fit his political scenario, as God's Word does not matter, the same God this fraud is going to face.

That is what Jesus is all about in Judgment so people do not have condemn about what men have done. It is though a fact that no one should speak evil of the dead. The best time is to lay out the facts now, so when the eulogies overflow the facts have already been spoken.

...........and now the Carter family.

Miss Lillian

Brother Billy

The son Chip

The lovely Amy Carter

At least the Beverly Hill Billies had money they earned and good looking children.

Nuff Said

