Saturday, February 18, 2023

Where have all the pet food bags gone


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Just something to ponder.

The guy at  the farm store, we were talking, and he said something that was interesting, in there have been pet food shortages in the bulk dry food. I asked about the cat food, and he said he talked to the warehouse and the problem was not in producing the was in getting the bags to put the dry food into.

I doubt this material is made in China as that would be the excuse.

Instead, I wondered what other production might be taking a priority.

Yes body bags.

I doubt this will be a war event. I wonder instead of the vax count mounting up in the necessity of body bags as there was that strange highlight in the matrix time line, that indicated people were not going to be buried.

Just something to ponder.

Nuff Said


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