Saturday, February 18, 2023

America Moves to Topple Hungarian Government


I think nukes burning up the world is acceptable as we get to 
burn up children's bums with pedophiles raping them in Hungary.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Perhaps the only redeeming feature of the Wokeism Revolution which is polluting the world to sexual deviancy, is that when the non woke of Tehran, Moscow, Pyongyang and Peking respond to this orgy, that most of these wokesters are going to be shitting blood from nuclear radiation exposure and not anal sex and then they will die.

The reason the Lame Cherry is stating the above is, this notorious ideologue of Samantha Power who crafted the "worst mistake Barack Hussein Obama admitted to" in the mass murder of the Libyan government by sponsoring a terrorist release program there, is that this woman who can not comprehend the murderous causes of her actions as she focuses on anal sex as a right with molesting children, is busy attempting to overthrow the legitimate Government of Hungary, a US an NATO ally.

In the Obama administration, national security council member Samantha Power, along with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and UN Ambassador Susan Rice, was a principal advocate of American support for armed intervention in Libya, which toppled the Qaddafi dictatorship, but that turned Libya into a warlord zone, ISIS haven, and human rights catastrophe. Obama later called the Libya debacle his worst mistake.

History should have taught these liberal 5th column the disaster of their "human rights' actions, if they had been paying attention to what was the track record of their chief sponsor in President Jimmy Carter. 
Jimmy Carter trumpeted human rights, to the destruction of American farmers and to the .......just let me list the following Carter creations as countries.



North Korea



America had perfectly allied dictators in most of these nations, sans North Korea. (Carter had his hands all over North Korea and made a mess there too for Bill Clinton.)  After Jimmy Carter toppled their dictators, what followed has been a perpetual murder rampage against Americans which are still festering today.
Yes the Pentagon with it's Rainbow Warriors has seen the light in Asia, in returning the dictators son to the Philippines for war with China, but in all other locations, American leftist meddling destabilized the entire world.

It was Victoria Nuland who carpetbagged her way into Ukraine, a perfectly stable nation with her millions of dollars in bribes. Nuland toppled the government and Kiev became this criminal mafia which has the Russia army now rooting out the problem as a security measure for Russia. It is costing the United States billions in this holocaust but that lesson makes zero impression on these liberal wangsters for perv sex.

The reason this all matters is the Lame Cherry has been running projections and as these liberals are now gearing up for another war in Moldova on the Ukrainian border, against Russia, the progress in this is that on the Moldova and Ukrainian border is Hungary, a perfectly peaceful nation which loves America,  but George Soros has been pimping there and Samantha Powers has been planting insurrection there. The nation which Russia will bridge the gap into the Balkans in Hungary, and to shore up that front, Russia is going to have to deal with the Czechs. Prague sits on the invasion route to pincer the idiot Poles who want a nuclear war and the German border.

What the Lame Cherry is projecting by Samantha Power's meddling is Hungary is going to be driven to and allied with Russia to protect herself. That will bring about the destruction of Europe worth quadrillions and the death of tens of millions of Europeans, just so these wokester sexers can pretend they are a legitimate political movement, which history has proven has destroyed ever successful people, meaning the Roman Empire.

Whatever Jimmy Carter's good intentions were , the world is still dying because of them. The intentions of Victoria Nuland in the Neocons was nothing good, as their entire thrust is to break apart Russia and cause a holocaust there. Ukraine is a holocaust by design and that is this wokester ideology in practice again.

For Birther Hussein Obama to admit that Libya was a woke disaster, well a "mistake" is something never heard. Samantha Powers has turned a dull mind and a deaf ear to the image of her former Black Liberation leader whose "best" policy was burning down American cities with BLM and using the FBI to hunt down Jan6ers who trusted Donald the deserter Trump's "wild" invitation to DC.

FBI admits using the CIA, NSA to spy on American citizens   lawenforcementtoday 

Destabilizing Hungary is a criminal act, and it will be crimes against humanity once this moves to the next phase to draw a  Russian invasion of Europe. The Lame Cherry does not want nations dying for the regime in Kiev.  The Lame Cherry certainly rejects America and Europe fighting a nuclear war over perverse anal sex and child molestation rights being foisted on the people of Hungary.

As this popular girls started this, the fact is that all of this is coming to the phase where real mass destruction war will begin to be common use. All of these liberals in their million dollar apartments and mansions are going to be ground zero in this, and they have their own selves to be responsible for the coming deaths of millions and their own mass deaths, all for perversion.

If Congress and the US media were not the kittens of the cartel moving to break apart all nations so they can rule the ruins. they would be putting a stop to USAID, the George Soros NGO's destabilizing peaceful and moral nations, as what is coming will be the end of the world, literally.

Flaming sulfur did in Sodom. History has proven that history repeats itself. Flaming nukes will be what does in this world, and it is all from the same source in sexual deviants.

Nuff Said
