Yes Captain this was China. Only the chopsticks surived.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Wouldn't it be a shame for all the non donors, to have been protecting all their bank accounts for years, and worried about the toxic meltdown, only to awake on March 25th, and have this immense concussion turn them into asteroid kill.
According to the worthless commentators on Gaytube, a 9 rating is thee most uncertain of impacts. There was something about this being calculated from earth center, which is a pretty good spread, so impact or upper atmospheric skid would increase.
As I do not have the bandwidth to watch videos, I'm suspect when the regime sits on data for weeks, as these are the same model projections of putting man on the moon or a piece of junk on Mars. They know speed, earth rotation and position, so NASA and NORAD know pretty close where this thing is going to hit. There will be various calculations of anomalies though, as I stated an asteroid might skip the upper atmosphere like a stone. We do not know the shape of the object which is a fact in a smooth stone skips on the water, a jagged stone goes plunk and sploosh.
There is also angle of trajectory and the angle of the earth now that spring is coming to the northern hemisphere in what is having more presentation.
We know what will happen if it comes in form Russian footage. Those this comes over will see a bright object moving at missile speed. There will be a sonic concussion. The destruction and lethality of it will depend on the altitude of the said meteor. When it impacts or comes close to impact it will flatten and destroy everything in a France size area. Destruction will lessen from the impact ground zero, and the shockwave will move out more in the direction the meteor is traveling.
In the great Russian impact in Siberia, there was not any pronounced volcanic or seismic activity, nor was a great deal of debris kicked up.
That is a land impact, which would be preferred as an ocean impact would cause a large tidal wave that would rock both sides of the ocean it struck. Big enough impact and it will bother the ocean currents for a bit too which is more of a hazard.
I was just thinking in how nice this would be if it hit Poland into Ukraine. That would solve all that problem over there, wipe out the Baltic trouble makers and Russia could use the oil money to rebuild houses instead of missiles and NATO would not have anything to wander around in.
Then again, how about Minnesota and Ontario. Two absolutely sodom cesspools. Turn the land of 10,000 lakes into the 6th Great Lake.
Anyway be a tough sled for the dead, as they meet up with Jesus and the first thing Jesus says is, "Oh you are the ones who robbed my work on Lame Cherry. Depart from Me."
Kind of be a pisser really. Sitting in all your luxury one day, and scorched flat by a meteor the next, after surviving lezbo HAARP all year, and then out of this world and you get sent to hot hell.
At least you will know how a skunk feels in being road kill, as you will be asteroid kill.
Nuff Said