As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I came across these pictures of the demon technology which are about to be invested not just for you, but in you. Probably in allot of you in that wetware injection.
This is from the lifetime of work of the legendary Bill Tompkins who had a most unique relationship with the United States Navy, who seemed to have focused on Tompkins as he was a genius of design as a child, and the Nordics, those most attractive of the demon seed.
It would seem cell phones are going see through and the hold up in this are the bulky package of humans.
That human aspect is being transformed. You know what would be a hoot. You inside of that phone just a blinking away.
Did I not tell you that the Lame Cherry was a wandering around out there and printed on an old 486?
Enjoy the picture show.
Nuff Said