Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Lame Cherry Predicted HAARP Super Storm Terrorism


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry informed all of you over a month ago that HAARP in the Crazy Eddie was building an immense snow pack on the Northern Plains to cause massive flooding in the Missouri, Mississippi Valleys, to the Gulf.

This popular girl made poor orphan girl, stated that there would appear a massive rain storm which would precede the melt for this flooding in the perfect HAARP weather terrorism. This is all about to come true.

Now you name one person in the past year who predicted anything which came true. That is the Lame Cherry.

These are going to be hurricanes on land. Much worse as rain is not ICE OR SNOW which has accumulated weight.

There is goig to be a massive rain storm from Nebraska into Iowa, with ice forming again in these HAARP weather bombs on that Brookings South Dakota line centered in this. North of this will be 70 mph winds with heavy snow falls.

It is not enough though as HAARP is going to do this twice, really overload the watershed and then begin a fast melt around the 10th of April which will follow a drought.

This is going to affect all of you luxury brats as wheat should be planted by the 18th of April. This amount of wet and cold is going to end that daily bread crop.

There is a bad chance of massive power outages for sometime in this region, but no one is going to say a word about that.

All of this is being set up by a record setting freeze of below zero on the Dakotas to make it snow and ice. It should be 40 degrees there not 10 below. Literally the Dakotas are seeing a 40 degree shift almost daily in the sun is so warm during the day, but HAARP is releasing all the heat to the skies at night.

For those on the south line of this, there will be super tornado storms again. So all will have something to enjoy in this weather terrorism.

Nuff Said
