As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As Yiochi Shimatsu has proven, there is not any natural river of water formed in storms, or we would have all been dead long ago. So these Pineapple Express fiction is a creation of HAARP terrorism. If these things like "polar vortex" were natural, the books would have been full of them, and not just appearing for a cover for the terrorism which is taking place in America.
The Lame Cherry first warned everyone here in a matter anti matter exclusive that the agenda had changed for America. America in the Al Gore era was still the Rhodes Round Table of herding people into ghetto cities and leaving the rest of the America for a park where King Chuck could go piss behind bushes as he watched coyotes eat antelope fawns for thrills.
With the dioxin terrorism in Ohio though, and the storms meant to spread this poison throughout Ohio and downstream, we are witnessing a cleansing of America.
When this blog published the Devil's Scepter it speculated if this was a sign for earthquakes in the world. That did not happen, and now we know that sign in the sky was for something far more evil. The Crescent is the symbol of allah the demon sand god of the Mideast, and his consorts in this scepter were Jupiter, the one who displaced Saturn, and his consort, the sex goddess demon of Venus.
All of this symbolism provides clues. When there was in the heavens, Saturn, as in saturnalia or the orgy of sex gluttony was replaced with Jupiter, the jove of male dominance and war. We are in an era of sex deviancy, but are entering a time of ruthless war, and joined to this is the sex empowerment of Venus, all headed by the allah sand demon. Three of the most powerful dark forces are joined for what is to come.
I digress with the signs in the heavens.
It does tie into the HAARPER lezbo of Germany who are orchestrating this weather holocausts in America. These are Ashekanzim and their agenda is to destroy and poison the United States, and they are with the cover of Mockingbird accomplishing just that.
When I said the agenda had changed, it has. It is not just thee American Protestant Christian interior which is being genocided. The pattern is setting up for the coastal monetary power centers of the United States in California and New York.
This is the current storm which was generated, on top of storms which tortured California and the rest of America since the end of December 2022 AD in the year of our Lord.
We have though now these unnatural HAARP double Lo pressures which form by HAARP in different regions and then join together. The coming storm will be a Noreaster off New England, in short a winter hurricane is being generated, and this all started in the Pacific ocean.
Notice the verbiage in this. A Noreaster has become a "strong coastal lo". That is psychology as the HAARPERs and the cartel to not want to alarm the rats in New York (two leggers) into a panic. If they tell people this is just as lo pressure, and they get pounded by storms, then it is not warning them of the warfare unleashed.
All other areas these HAARPERs do their utmost to terrify the population in warning of doomsday storms. Not on the northeast as those power whores might figure out they are expendable like the sects in Brookings South Dakota.
This is the agenda change. It is not the interior of the plains being harmed, which no one cared about. It has now moved to poison Ohio, and HAARP is starting to destroy property and murder liberal wokesters on both coasts.
I do not think I will add the details of these storms in analyzing them, as it will not make a difference to the donors, and I do not want to inform the HAARPER's of what I know and do not know in this analysis. I will tell you to figure this out in the difference in the storm above, and the GUSHER, the lezbo storm which was featured here. You will be able to see what the difference is, what the lie is in the above caption from the weather mods, and how the storm is being utilized in a different manner or lack of manners.
One projection I have theorized on is, that once this pattern redevelops, there will be a fast flood melt, and then it is going to stop producing moisture in the drought cycle will be allowed to function, with associated weather bombs.
The weather terrorists have sucked a great deal of colder upper air down to Kansas, for ice storms on the Kansas line. Big storms reinforce their bulge, but that ends naturally in the next week of March on the interior. I can tell you in monitoring temperature swings, that it was with the least bit of help, over 40 degrees on the high plains this week. There is a great deal of thermal energy in the sun. I do not quite know what to make of it, but reports from that area are showing that thermal radiation is coming through these thick clouds. It is absorbed by dark objects like vehicls and the snow is melting, including on roofs of houses. There is so much heat from the sun, that the snow is melting and these wide ice storm patterns have prevailed.
And as the Lame Cherry predicted of a coming super storm to follow up:
The threat won’t ease when this storm moves out this weekend. Another atmospheric river is expected to follow early next week, and there is a potential for a third around March 19, according to State Climatologist Mike Anderson.
Forensic psychology, I do know these criminal sexual deviants of the HAARPER's by studying their storms.
So the pattern has changed, the agenda has changed. We keep being lied to that these are once in a lifetime events. California has had several 1000 year storms and two more are being generated. Yes how does the weather service know superstorms are going to appear weeks out, unless the HAARPER's are creating them by chem spraying and HAARP heating.
“This is unprecedented — a once-in-a-lifetime thing — and we need to heed the warnings,” said Sinclair, 62.