Before you read this article, you should be aware that there are two coin sucking capitals in the world, who take their cut out of deals, like the three pawn ball shops they originated from. They are the Bank of London and Tel Aviv.
When England ruled the world, they set prices on everything from gold to oil. That is why you see those bizarre figures from Brentwood crude oil. You set the price on things, and you know how to make the trade before the markets open. It is cheating, but that is how this coin sucker in London has been feeding off all of us for that racket called the British monarchy.
Hiding behind Tel Aviv is exactly what Adolf Hitler stated would happen if you gave financiers control over a state to hide behind. Tel Aviv ran human traffick and dope into the United States. Then about the time that the Ashkenaz sounding trio of Greenspan, Bernanke and Yellen, came up with Bush finance of free money for the elite, Tel Aviv suddenly stopped whining for money from American foreign aid, that was because Tel Aviv in their clever computer hackers, found a way with a glorified PROMIS software to skim money off of every bloated Wall Street transaction.
The United States has become the cash cow of the world to exploit. The problem which was found too late by all these JP Morgan traitors in America is they didn't drain the milk, the drained the blood and the cow is rotting dead.
Now read the article.
SOFR knocked out the Eurodollar because that was the Fed’s and New York’s ultimate goal; to replace the global rate for dollars with a domestic one where the capital would have to trade here.
The globe takes its cues, not from what Europe or Hong Kong wants, but what America needs.
This stabilizes our banking system, taking back power the Fed had ceded under Greenspan, Bernanke and Yellen and reminding everyone else just who runs Bartertown.
Most importantly, it pulls liquidity from around the world back into US markets, providing a foundation for a future where Davos doesn’t control DC.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
So we have before us a world in which the power of Europe was rising in the federation and DAVOS was taking over the world. London Bankinggot caught as you will read below skimming a fortune and dumping their derivatives worth trillions on the back of the US Dollar, in one hell of a slush fund for the dead Queen.
New Your figured out too late, that it was involved with bigger swindlers than they were. The swindlers in DAVOS and London got America stuck in up to it's tits over Ukraine as the Dollar is collapsing along with American hegemony. The American Virgin is on the altar being raped to death and New York is trying to get her up to fight the Russians and Chinese.
The London Inter-Bank Offered Rate (Libor) is an interest rate average calculated from estimates submitted by the leading banks in London. Each bank estimates what it would be charged were it to borrow from other banks. It is the primary benchmark, along with the Euribor, for short-term interest rates around the world. Libor was phased out at the end of 2021, and market participants are being encouraged to transition to risk-free interest rates.
As of late 2022, parts of it have been discontinued, and the rest is scheduled to end within 2023; the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) is its replacement.
This is the war. New York is trying to make the Europeans slaves again to serve the Liquid Natural Gas markets, which was money going to Russia. It is all not so complicated, but it is massively complicated. The rush is on now to get control of the Dollar exchange at the rate in the United States, not London. The BRICS group is busy working their own multi polar exchange.
What do you think is going to happen to all of these swindles who have been raping America of money from London to Berlin to Tel Aviv in getting cut off? You may remember that Birther named Obama sent Europe over a trillion dollars from America for stealing the election for him as a "great evener" for whatever nonsense these crooks came up with in their delusions.
Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) is a secured overnight interest rate. SOFR is a reference rate (that is, a rate used by parties in commercial contracts that is outside their direct control) established as an alternative to LIBOR. LIBOR has been published in a number of currencies and underpins financial contracts all over the world. Because LIBOR is derived from banks' daily quotes of borrowing costs, banks were able to manipulate the rates through lying in the surveys. Deeming it prone to manipulation, UK regulators decided to discontinue LIBOR in 2021.
In 2022, the LIBOR Act passed by the U.S. Congress established SOFR as a default replacement rate for LIBOR contracts that lack mechanisms to deal with LIBOR's cessation. The Act also grants a safe harbor to LIBOR contracts that transition to SOFR. Previously, SOFR was seen as the likely successor of LIBOR in the US since at least 2021.
SOFR uses actual costs of transactions in the overnight repo market, calculated by the New York Federal Reserve. With US government bonds serving as collateral for borrowing, SOFR is calculated differently from LIBOR and is considered a less risky rate. The less risky nature of SOFR may result in lower borrowing costs for companies. In addition, unlike the forward-looking LIBOR (which can be calculated for 3, 6 or 12 months into the future), SOFR is calculated based on past transactions, which limits the rate's predictive value on future interest rates. In addition, SOFR is overnight, whereas LIBOR can have longer tenors.
If you need a little history lesson in this, this current phase all started with Allan Greenspan, the Ashkenazim for Bush fam, going around the globe sticking Japan, South Korea and then Europe with US debt. The Asians too the abuse, Japan is still a debtor nation, but the Europeans collapsed the market in the Obama 2008 economic crash. The crashed Iceland to experiment. Then collapsed London. It took the French two attacks to collapse the American finance, but they succeeded in their attempt to end Anglo American finance and establish what would become DAVOS.
Yes this has all been economic terrorism, the same as the Fauci Flu was biological terrorism against Americans.
London can not survive without skimming these funds. Berlin can not survive without it's cut. Tel Aviv can not survive without skimming the Stock Market in New York. Russia and China can not survive if American funding is not flowing in through the back channels, and here is the kicker...........America can not survive if all of the above keep on sucking everything out of America.
All are now in a leveraged position that if they stop breathing they are going to die.
That is a reality of a cartel which is setting up the world for a global war to establish their order on the dead nations comprising the above.
Oh and this....
Powell warned lawmakers that the Fed’s inflation-fighting campaign is not over, adding that he and his colleagues understand that these efforts are “causing significant hardship” across the country. But, he noted, the institution is firmly committed to resuscitating price stability and bringing the inflation target rate to the Fed’s 2 percent objective.
The Fed does not give a damn about you eating shit for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The Fed is not fighting inflation. The Fed is moving to suck in offshore Dollars with higher interest rates, which is sucking the life out of the rest of the competitors.
Nuff Said