Sunday, March 5, 2023

It was all a Coincidence in Weapons of Mass Destruction

According to unconfirmed claims that appeared on social media last week, a ship carrying containers of Californium-252, a synthetic radioactive element, arrived in Odessa on February 19. It was also claimed that the radioactive monitoring system was turned off during the offloading process. Zakharova mentioned reports that the cargo was supplied by the Ohio-based company Frontier Technology Corporation.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry found the above coincidental. The Russians are protesting a shipment of a radioactive material to Ukraine, that appeared in Odessa. It was smuggled into Ukraine, a nation at war, and a nation not exactly in a position to be in need of a highly advanced nuclear material.

The reality of Californium though is not to start up nuclear reactors but that this is extremely toxic material, like dioxin. It accumulates in the body, meaning the body can not flush it out. It centers in the skeleton, where it destroys the ability of the body to produce red blood cells. A feature which the Fauci Flu educated the public on the necessity of pure blood.

Californium is one of the few transuranium elements with practical applications. Most of these applications exploit the property of certain isotopes of californium to emit neutrons. For example, californium can be used to help start up nuclear reactors, Users of californium must take into account radiological concerns and the element's ability to disrupt the formation of red blood cells by bioaccumulating in skeletal tissue.

The corporation which supplied this material has been in operation since the 1980's, but what appears to be a Polish ancestral people. This corporation is the main producer of this unique synthesized material which is highly toxic and the reality is radioactive material is not exactly something the US government agencies allow to be shipped out to just anyone.

Now why would the US government be offering permits for this toxic material to be sent to war torn nation, which has a proven record in black market trade, in this Californium could end up anywhere, including terrorist hands. That does not seem very responsible in this would be a danger to America and her allies. Imagine if this material harmed Russians, perhaps the Russian leadership, it would start a nuclear war.

Founded in 1984 by Treva Janzow and the late Edward Janzow, Frontier Technology is located in Xenia, OhioFrontier Technology has over 40 years industry ...

So the coincidence is that DOW chemical, had a toxic nuclear production site in Illinois. The material on the Ohio train, was going to a US supply base for shipment to Ukraine via Poland. Someone according to assembled information on the Rense site, deliberately derailed that train and set it on fire.

The EPA and other regulators moved to cover this all up. It was too prepared and it looks like someone thought it would be nice to pollute a redneck stronghold, before the world melted down.

As transport ships do not fly, it would seem that the ship with the Californium and the toxic train were put in motion about the same time.

A toxic train bound for Ukraine with dioxins that were radioactive polluted, which was probably going to be bait for Russia to blow up as a fuel train. Radiocataive material appeared about the same time.

Would anyone blame Kiev retaliating on Moscow if nuclear toxins were blown up in Ukraine? Mr. Putin getting a Californium cocktail, for a real cancer problem that the British press was not making up, the way they made up all the sins of Saddam Hussein, for the US to invade Iraq for the Tel Avi guild.

There is a great deal of coincidence in this. Coincidences of starting a nuclear war between America and Russia. That Ohio mafia that John Kasich was a point man for is an interesting center in this, coordinating with the Biden mafia out of Delaware, same way they were coordinating with Bush fam to bring down Donald the deserter Trump.

4 days ago ... An Ohio train derailment caused a chemical spill of vinyl chloride and butyl acetate, leading to various health hazards for humans and animals ...
