Sunday, March 5, 2023

Dividing Up Amerika

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Hmmm a pattern is forming.

Meet you on the other side

East Palestine Toxic Water Temp Dam Gives Way
Dumping Deadly Water Into Waterways - Photo

Another Train Is Derailed In Ohio - Attacks On
US Infrastructure Increasing All The Time - Video

Norfolk Southern Freight Train Derails In Western
OH Prompting Shelter-In-Place Order - CNN

Study the preliminary map below in one can see the deliberate train crash in Ohio that cased a toxic zone appears to have more of a purpose than just keeping redneck insurrectionists out of the forest.

The Ohio River at it's headwaters was deliberately contaminated to cause it to flow into the Mississippi River, which is creating a nice partition line, a dead river zone.

The Lame Cherry has tracked the madness of the HAARP snow bombs burying America, and has warned that the lezbos of HAARP Germany might just put in a super rain storm to melt things off, on frozen ground which is going to cause massive flooding.......again another partition zone of disaster is being created.

Meet you on the other side.

The question is now, could a massive earthquake remove the California drainage into Colorado to another disaster partition zone? That would leave the southwest drainage isolated as it's own partition zone, like FEMA zones, not 10 but 4.

Ohio stands out now as key and a genius move to toxic no man's land. It would cut the east coast off from the Chicago controlled hub, just as it did the immigration routes centuries ago in the Daniel Boone pioneers. These are natural landlocked zones if the key chokepoints are made impassible. Shut down the Missouri Mississippi crossing by flooding, or perhaps by nuclear problems as the US Air Force just fired a nuclear team in North Dakota, and it was reported not that long ago that thee entire nuclear missile group was cheating on tests. Yes nothing like people with nuclear bombs, being dishonest and not being able to be trusted.

6 days ago ... Six leaders — including two commanders and four of their subordinates — were fired from a key Air Force nuclear base in North Dakota without ...

We are witnessing the toxification of Ohio for reason, just as this water system is going to be a freshwater problem for all these downstream communities. HAARP has been engineered for a series of a once in a thousand year massive storms, about every 10 days, sometimes two storm within days of each other. That toxic snow is being dropped for a purpose too.

The cartel has told you about breaking up America. They have distracted you with civil war claims, headed up by the FBI in the Jan6 diversion. What if you are seeing the beginning of this in toxic events and major geological events, causing emergency measures to be enacted? The above is already in process. I do not know if this is the Great Game or if this is something else as I just noticed the pattern by the Holy Ghost a few moments ago on Sunday afternoon, exhausted from my own adventures.

It seems an obvious conclusion in being able to crack the country to partition by toxins, radioactivity and quakes, a real shock and awe that people are still stunned in Ohio to not understand what happened as Donald the deserter Trump plays water boy.

Something to watch if this develops as the groundwork is laid.

This is once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

