Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Keep Calm, the Cherry is On

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The popular girl wills to tell you something, and it is something Mary said to me that brought this to mind with the Bible verse below from the Holy Ghost, and that is LC is in the world with you. I'm going through the same or allot more than you are. I know what you are going through. Our Father is well aware of what you are dealing with in Him. Jesus is carrying all of us. We are in this together and we will get through this together.

I know there are allot of things I feature here which are scary. I also know we were born to this time because we were made for this time. Think of the hymn.

Stand up Stand up for Jesus
Ye Soldiers of the Cross
Today the sound of battle
Tomorrow the victor's song

We have years to go in this, but this is a happy time, because we are loading packs at the boots and saddles call, and we move out each day, into the wonder of the day in discovering the adventures which await. You keep in mind, as you hear all of these bad things, thee absolute fact in THE REASON YOU ARE HEARING DISTRESSING NEWS IS BECAUSE EVIL IS FALLING APART AS IT IS AT ODDS AGAINST GOD.

None of this disgusting sex perversion, the abuse of the Constitution, Ukraine or whatever in the robbery of us by high prices is going to stand as it can not. It is self destructive and is destroying itself. You can see the building is falling, so just use your sense and not be standing where the building will fall.

The Bible verse the Holy Ghost provided is something to ponder. The word BLESSED means HAPPY in this context, and in the masculine form of power in manhood. The action verbs in this are WATCHING and WAITING. Now this one is even going to assist me in praying as to watch, means to  BE ON THE LOOK OUT. The waiting means to GUARD, PROTECT, ATTEND.

It is important to ingrain in yourselves this, because we are told to WATCH and WAIT upon the Lord. If you know the context, you are not just looking around, and you are not just sitting on your ass not engaged.

Where you are at, is at the DOORS, the meaning is a valve, that swings, there is motion there. There is a location where the door is not locked, but things are coming and going. So you are on the look out at the door of this blog, of God, for the good which will appear, as much as the evil to stay out of the way. You are protecting your location, your vantage point and attending to that spot God placed you, so you will receive the information for life at this blog and you will benefit from it.

You are at the foundation of the door, the post. You are at the door, the opening to the Way God provided for you. You are in action by being aware, so you are not destroyed for lack of knowledge and you are not ready to receive every opportunity.

Meet you on the other side.

Chapter 8

 34Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at the posts of my doorway. 35For whoever finds me finds life and obtains the favor of the LORD.…

Yes those who have found the Lame Cherry have found life and they have obtained greater favor with the Lord. It is not me. I'm just a keyboard and a page. I just unlock the information so you can understand it and make use of it. Those who are kind and respectful add to their treasure of deliverance. Those who steal, build a debt they will be extorted from in satan past the day they are dead.

I have something of an example in this. I have mentioned that I have been looking for a sewing machine to sew heavy canvas like in chore coats. For years I have not found what I wanted. I did not have the money for an industrial machine of three to five thousand dollars. That is stupid as you can buy allot of coats for that. Each time I left pages up, I either had some HAARP storm, my internet ran out or whatever took place. A few weeks ago I had an impulse from the Holy Ghost to look for a machine and I will feature that machine here. I got the one God intended as it is an old machine which included a hand crank, which the Holy Ghost said would be wonderful when the electric goes out.
So the weather was nice, and I ordered it. As type this, we are supposed to get another HAARP weather bomb and the machine is to be delivered Wednesday, meaning it will not due to the storm

So we had the pets outside yesterday at 2 PM and it was storming, yes we get double HAARP storms now, and as we were going to the house, the mailman was the mailbox and blew the horn at me. We had just left a note for him to tell him a package was coming and to drop it off. I knew by his blowing the horn, sitting a snow drift that the machine came early. I ran down, crossed the livestock panels, ploughed the drifts and he confirmed what I deduced.  We had our machine.

Like numbers of things, God directs things for me. To meet the mailman, in being outside, after pet errands, a snowstorm, his being late by a few hours is a monumental time continuum chance. Had the same thing in the bull disaster in his dying (Don't suppose you know that bulls cost 3 to 5 thousand dollars to replace. Little more than a 5 dollar bag of chips.) in the neighbor happened to be driving by a mile way when we spotted him in that one opening where we could see him. God is always directing my footsteps for a precise time of meeting where something good will happen. I bitch, I complain, I get angry, I get depressed, but God is Faithful at the Door I Wait by and He delivers me from disasters.

As I type this, I'm living in a disaster that was only one way in, it is as bad as it could be, and yet God is here in this struggle and things are surviving. I state this so you do not think the roses are blooming and the robins are singing, and I'm relaxing. I would that we were, but HAARP terrorism, taking care of animals, doing allot of hand labor and I will be tending the fire to warm the house up in preparation today, is the unfun I exist. This is not easy. It broke me down and I wrote of what God realigned me with and I'm disciplining myself to adhered to His teaching, so I do not have to do this again, ever. Several times is enough.

I'm not Jesus, but He suffered the same things. I'm in this world though with you, suffering the same or worse things than you are. We will get through this by Christ and as with Christ I can do this, you will be able to also.

The world is falling apart. We all can see that. It needs to fall apart as it is evil and will not last. Christ will return and set things right again so we can build again. I delight in the events which I post for the reason, that things are coming to that point of we will be on the other side of this. Yes it will be worse tribulation, but the finish line is easier to get to when you are moving past the half way point.

We are coming to a time when we will be liberated more and more. That does not mean license to not behave ourselves, but that the authoritarians will be too occupied to pay attention to us. I have another example in this from a neighbor we talked to.
The Brier Patch is a big county. We are federal and state. We have lovely native terrorists. It is wild country. When the mother died, the coroner came down here and thought we lived in the middle of nowhere. The county is big, resources are small, so we rarely see any law enforcement from the county. Rarely see anything really as we just all kind of do our own thing and hide from the state police.

So the neighbor was moving cattle and an idiot crashed into them and his tractor. The highway dick appeared and was going to issue a citation to the neighbor for not having some permit, which no one had ever heard of. The states attorney here told the highway dick. "You are not going to issue that citation as we are not going to enforce it. It is too far away from the county seat and no one is coming down there".

That ended it.

I detest the harshness of the Brier, but I adore our officials in they are White acting yet. They don't give a damn what we do. They stayed here like our tax assessor because they like that things are like the Gunsmoke days in no one pays attention to the laws. We don't need policing because we police ourselves.
I was talking to a guy the next state over, a real woke sodom and asked him how in the hell he could live there with all those damned regulations. He just quipped back, "We just don't pay attention to the laws they make at the capital".

That is what I mean about liberation which is coming. Yes you must pay your taxes. You must obey the laws. You must not cause problems for yourself, but as you can see there are areas of this world which liberation never left and is coming in waves. They can not enforce the law if no one is going to enforce these laws.

Put it this way. If New York bites the nuclear glow, do you think the cops in upstate New York are going to fining some farmer over a law in Albany in getting your cows vaxed? Hell no, they will have other things on their minds.

Each day you are getting close to more liberation and you know this, because each day the cartel's regime keeps trying to digital currency you to control you and aborting kids more easily along with finding new ways to infringe on your ownership of firearms.

The source of all of our problems are western Europeans in their cartel. We benefit from Russia, China and Iran being focal points as the more focus on them, means less focus on you in your bean garden.

So at least do better than me, in being more aware that the "bad news" is really good news for the rugged individual.  Most of you do not have the extended responsibilities I have, so stay snug in your homes and just watch the show as God envelops this evil world as it shatters upon itself.

Each day my children, we are carried one step closer to Christ. You are in the worst time in human history and with Christ, you can look around and you know this is not so bad. Worse is coming, but you did not think you could make it through that bioweapon scare and there you are, while the Darwins ran to the needle like my brother and their god is not saving them.

I do have to keep to the schedule here in getting the house warm so I am not up all night, as I have to ration my energy in Christ carrying me through this. So that is the "good tidings of great joy" message today.

Let the world fall down, as by this door, you are going to find some very nice things in the rubble.

Nuff Said
