Monday, March 6, 2023

Digital Currency Violates the 4th and 14th Amendments

So you bought vaginal wipes I see.....I have vaginal wipes in my 
collection from the female college dorms....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Each American has been infringed upon in numerous ways for "security" or "commerce". That erosion has become so pronounced that it is a sink hole. The new Biden Currency is designed to control people by shutting off their money if they are not satisfactory to the regime.
It is like Ford in "On Star" developing a way to lock people out of their cars, without legal serving, if they miss a payment. That is quite illegal in seizure, because even people who can not pay their bills must be served an eviction notice. See this erosion is a sink hole of all of our rights.

Under this new digital currency, any transfer of funds to family, friends, charities, or clients would be able to be tracked by the nation's central bank that issued this virtual money. Big Brother will be in your wallet every hour or every day. 

You will not be able to buy a stick of gum without a Federal Reserve computer knowing where, when, and to whom you just put down a buck.

ZeroHedge has a plea that we all get collectively outraged, maybe like on Jan6 so we can all get shot like innocent Ashli Babbitt in her own Capitol House.

The Lame Cherry asks the legal rights in what does the Constitution limit the regime to in authority and what does the Constitution retain for every Citizen.

For medical services, every Citizen has a right to privacy. That confers the same inalienable rights which are not specified in the Constitution, in the 9th and 10th Amendment.

Meet you on the other side.

The 14th Amendment: The protection of personal freedoms ... The Fourteenth Amendment is where the Constitution goes a little deeper into personal liberties. It ...

The Fourth Amendment originally enforced the notion that “each man's home is his castle”, secure from unreasonable searches and seizures ; of property by the ...

It is that 4th Amendment though against unreasonable searches which is where Bidencon digital currency is illegal. At this moment, Bidencon is using credit card companies are gathering information for what will be the ATF on gun purchases. That is not authorized by the Constitution. 

Gathering of information is one thing in buying things on Amazon, and then Amazon selling it, as it is an open transaction. It is far different though in all of us on our cell phones, suddenly getting ads for tampons or Chevy's if we happen to mention them. It is acceptable if I'm on Ebay looking for things and Ebay starts mailing me other items like I am shopping for as it assists my purchases. It is another thing though when I am not someone signed up for an account, in getting marketing emails for sex products.

It is that same intrusion in the Treasury keeping track of any of us buying anything. It is the same with firearms on a credit cards, the claim is no data will be abused, and yet every time that data  is collected, suddenly there is social justice scores in denying people their rights.

This infringement of American Rights does not need laws or regulations to stop it. The Constitution is that absolute stop. There is no stop in this which would be sufficient as your purchases will be logged. Insurance companies will pay to track your enjoyments like alcohol and sugar and the other conglomerates will sell that information for profit just like you are a bunch of bananas. 

Some little anal weasel will gather the information, some conglomerate will pay them to break the law, and own the stooges in the police state, and next thing you know, the IRS will be doing Chief Justice John bungholer Roberts "fines" on your income taxes for using cash as some creative Obamacare or Sodom laws are written.

The Constitution makes things illegal, and those who are crooks will break the law for those who own the law. Perhaps there could be a blind escrow for the government to not monitor purchases, but that leaves the bank accounts reporting to the FDIC and the IRS and the businesses terrorized into reporting the purchases.

Those are unreasonable searches, but until the day that those people behind this have their life and liberty put into prison for infringing on other's lives and liberty, there will be not any curb. You can count on the murder of Ashli Babbitt to be prosecuted before that happens.

Only Congress has the right to coin money. That is why Bidencon tried to make digitals a commodity which they could regulate. They will move then as the Lame Cherry predicted to making payments to the poor and IRS refunds in these "commodities" and make this a majority commerce situation in a few years to just eliminate cash.

Digital currencies or commodities violate the Articles on coining money and they violate the 4th and 14th Amendment. Those are the facts.

Nuff Said
