Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Kiev Curlies

Come play in my Kiev curlies.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The buzz around the internet was that an NBC reporter went to Russian Ukraine and reported that Grubber Zellinskyy was a fraud in he would never take Crimea and never win the war. He said that most of Crimea is pro Russian, as it is.

For this Kiev put the reporter on an assassination list.

What the Lame Cherry is most interested in, is why the Mockingbird has decided to allow one of it's propaganda outlets to expose the facts on the Ukraine scam. As this appears someone is not getting their cut, and that a little reality will up the stakes so what they are being cut out of, in bigger weapons sales or bigger control of that Jewish media which installed Zellinskyy, might be exactly what the source of this is, the owner of NBC, in Comcast.

With $18.8 million spent in 2013, Comcast has the seventh largest lobbying budget of any individual company or organization in the United States.Co mcast employs multiple former U.S. Congressmen as lobbyists. The National Cable & Telecommunications Association, which has multiple Comcast executives on its board, also represents Comcast and other cable companies as the fifth largest lobbying organization in the United States, spending $19.8 million in 2013

It is fascinating to the Lame Cherry, considering what the Ukrainian oligarchs are based in, meaning murder, and connections in leading a coup against Donald the deserter Trump, to having the audacity to work for Hillary Clinton and blame the Russians for hacking the DNC.
The Ukrainian Jews control 85% of Ukraine. They are in bed with Vanguard, JP Morgan for looting America, and are backed by the CIA, DIA and FBI to topple Russia in this Great Game India. With that kind of backing, it does not make sense why Comcast would risk their necks with that kind of mafia backing.

Just looking at this form the outside, a bunch of former regime pimps out of DC now sucking the Comcast cock, is not really a trump card, compared to international swindlers, plugged into a cartel that is making weather warfare, Wuhan warfare derailed a toxic train in Ohio........think of it this way, Bush fam liberated Afghanistan, and then the US military was protecting opium lords on Afghanistan to make cash deposits into the Bank of London Rothschilds, yes the banksters of the British Royals who sucke the United States into 2 world wars and is auditioning them for a third.

Bill and Hillary Clinton did not fare so well in fucking this cartel over in the stans over selling the uranium to Russia. Cost old Hamrod the presidency.

Wonder what this will cost Comcast, and for that matter, the individual Americans sucking on future nukes from Russia to cover up all of this swindling.
